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    @hocyre89 Highly going to recommend you take a full dose of clam magnesium gummies (4) every night to keep that at bay! Magnesium is kind of a cure all as you’ll learn. I’m still taking it at 24 weeks and it really makes a difference.
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @romans82 Well that’s crazy! Don’t most have biotin? Mine does - I do the one a day prenatal with choline. In the last month, I switched to this from ritual.
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @praisestogod Well, sadly, it wasn’t meant to be ❤️
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @praisestogod Thanks! Fingers are crossed!
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @praisestogod I think I hate these dark pink caps too 😵‍💫 That’s wild you got better SMU tests! So today’s test that was a bit lighter was the first FMU test I had? I think? The more I think about it, the more I remember waking at 2/3am to use the restroom and then testing when I was up for the...
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @rda Oh, okay! Nausea and bloating is kicking my ass this morning so maybe it’s just a little bit of everything - pregnancy hormones, stress response, and residual stomach bug from 6 nearly a week ago. Still put on a liner and crossing my fingers. I want to be hopeful.
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @rda I’ve been urinating a lot so most of these tests have been in the morning but usually second trip to the bathroom. This morning’s test was FMU after 5 hours of sleep. I forgot to mention I also have pretty bad insomnia right now. I also stopped officially temping a few days ago (I still...
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    @serenity66 Thank you for all these reminders and your personal experience. I’m still just baffled that with the same sample, the 3 tests out of a single box already had mixed results. I’m having a hard time believing those.
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    Trouble trusting FRERs? Possible Chemical

    So I got my first positive 13DPO after getting a negative at 10DPO. I took a full box (3) of FRERs on 14DPO to get a mixed bag of responses with the same sample. It was like 2 were mostly positive (but not matching darkness!) and 1 was almost negative. My e@h that day looked darker so I figured...
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    C section prep specific workouts programs?

    @annoula1216 10000 times over, I recommend a visit to a pelvic floor physical therapist! Sooner rather than later if you can swing it.
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    C section prep specific workouts programs?

    @icarus419 You absolutely can and should visit a pelvic floor physical therapist ASAP! I went to one several months after my c section and regretted not going sooner. My hips were a disaster and my c section scar was tight (it’s still tight but less so today). I mercifully dodged any abdominal...