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    Tipping Daycare Teachers

    @johnsubira I have such a hard time with the floater thing because I don’t want to complicate it or appear to cheap out, but if everyone gifted the floaters the same, they’d make multiples of the regular teachers, which seems unfair. But on the other hand, maybe a lot of people gift nothing to...
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    Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

    @emilyosu Def have those blood types double checked. One of my friends had a kid with a blood type that didn’t make sense and it turned out her husband’s was incorrect all along- from the military! We’re an all O- family and my understanding was the kids also had to be O-
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    Just my critique of that day care Medium article that is always circulating this sub as it relates to nannies and familial care

    @dkeefe I think a lot of the idea that toddlers are better with family comes down to an assumption that either caring for young children is necessarily completely unskilled work or a rejection of the value of ECE education, with both tied into demeaning of "women's work" in general). Would my...
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @glowfood This is a really minor thing, but I got my daughter who was 2-2.5 some toys in the Little People Babies set and I think it helped her understand what we'd need to do to take care of a baby. I kept her in pre-school while I was on leave so she had a solid schedule and we tried to...
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @nessofonett05 I won’t let my kids sit in my lap while I’m eating at our own house and I think it’s a reasonable boundary.
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    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    @edmerch1984 Frozen breast milk from before isn’t going to do anything special unless maybe you have some from after a vax, and that’s still unlikely.
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @ronniev What? WFH moms are still working moms. Are you talking about the ban on posts asking about working without childcare?
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    Looking for reassurance. Can anyone explain why a 40 pound 4-year-old can get the same covid vaccine as a 15 pound 6-month-old?

    @aussiewife Others have touched on your main question, but for the point about infection, the vaccine wouldn’t cause a nasal test to come up positive so you could do that if you get worried about a coincidental infection. Technically the test isn’t valid for
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    Tips for preparing our 3.5 y/o for new baby?

    @rae29 This is exactly what I do too and it's so important, I think!
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    Hurt Feelings because of Preemie/Newborn Health Precautions (and some of my own hurt)

    @bytor Some thoughts- my 21mo NICU grad has rsv right now for the second time and it’s awful. We spent the whole day yesterday in the pediatrician office and ER. The ER was packed with RSV cases. Worse day than most days we spent in the NICU. If you are actually interested in seeing more people...
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    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @sachin0990 I think if you just say you're behind and want to catch up they'll be cool because you're on the same page.
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    Hurt Feelings because of Preemie/Newborn Health Precautions (and some of my own hurt)

    @incenzo23 Wow, I didn’t even visit my baby when I was sick, let alone a person the baby doesn’t even know!
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    A year later... Extreme IUGR

    @naturalsinner Happy bday :)
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    36 weekers

    @monica123 Focus on the bright side- both babies are healthy (just barely preemies!) and were only a few days from term. Hopefully they won’t have to stay too long. Look for support in processing the trauma- therapy, etc.
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    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @ch3apshad3s I buy a lot of second hand kids’ clothes and it often takes more than one wash to get the scent out. I legit don’t understand how people like these smells.
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    Unhelpful husband

    @bongoon Wild!
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    Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

    @follow_the_word Wait? Is that true about tuition? I’m in PA and mine is less (but not by a ton). Maybe PA has expensive tuition though.
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    Unhelpful husband

    @rubbles Send him back to the store to fix his mistake.
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    I don’t really have time to make this rant but I feel like I’m about to explode

    @eleader22 I give you permission to say "sorry, I don't have time, but look online and I'm sure you'll find a way to do it" to these people. Also, I'm surprised your boss was allowed to take so much time off in busy season unless it was like for Chinese NY or something!
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    9 mo with Covid part 2

    @mcooperiii Your pediatrician or ob may have more formula as well