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    My 4 m/o was awake for over 5 hours at daycare

    @facebook You can’t do much . You can switch daycares. Try to find an “in home” one. Do early bedtime
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @guitarjavi75 Thanks for this. My husband does not want the toddler in his lap while he’s eating. I don’t know if that’s too much to ask or not?
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @churchbuilder How old are your kids ? And how long have you had this arrangement ?
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @dawnhammer Thanks. I will say he does the dishes most nights, also cooks and cleans. He does other stuff to help out - it’s just not the sleep part xx thanks for your comment !
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @dvcochran Thanks - I can relate, I don’t think I could sleep in if I tried. Maybe I will have my husband take over bath time. Or something .
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    Q/A for parents: Transitioning from crib to big kid bed

    @pederson07 Stay in the crib forever. Do not leave the crib unless you have to.
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @lajasha All phones are left in the living room . He might be laying there attempting to sleep but he is staying in bed
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @mykenz2010 Thanks. He goes to bed at 9:30pm
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    Frequency of meltdowns

    @sinner92 Meltdowns are developmentally normal but I don’t know how many
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    Stay at home mother entitlement

    I wanted to comment again. Can you all afford daycare ? The 7 and 6 year old will be starting school soon right ? They won’t be able to sleep in anymore and will need a normal schedule
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    Stay at home mother entitlement

    @wasblindbutnowisee This is crazy . The kids should not be staying up this late - especially the school age ones
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @alex_alex The issue is my son (2 yo) wants to sit in dads lap while he eats . My husband doesn’t want him in his lap.
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    9 month old won’t sleep at daycare!

    @caminator This happened to my friend and she had to switch to an “in home “ daycare
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    Pregnancy After Miscarriage is a Mind F***

    @sixskinners It is so hard and it may not go away until you are holding that baby. Hire a talk therapist
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    Daddy sleeping in

    @spantax Thanks. He has been seen for his apnea. I think he just always been high needs sleeper. But I think some sort of negotiation will have to happen for when baby 2 joins us.
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    Daddy sleeping in

    What do we think of this? My husband has sleep apnea and believes he needs tons of sleep. (He does wear the cpap and has for years . He also has always been a high needs sleeper). He goes to bed at 9:30pm. On weekdays he comes out of his room at 6:45am. On the weekends, he will come out of...
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    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    @barney This sounds absolutely terrible. I am so sorry, it is so kind of your mother to help. It’s very likely she will take your change desire as a personal attack. So I would say to try extra hard to use the “i” language when you discuss it. Blame your work schedule and say one of your mom...
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    Mother refuses to help keep my daughter on a sleep schedule

    @barney Listen to this