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  1. L

    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    @sherithorb Yes! Walk as much as you can! I walked almost daily until 39 weeks once I couldn’t run anymore (around 22-23 weeks). I always get better after a walk even if I was a little stiff beforehand.
  2. L

    SPD and exercise

    @pram Even laying down or moving in bed for me was bad! Baby sat super super low which I think contributed to it. I hope you find something that helps you!!
  3. L

    SPD and exercise

    @pram Swimming sounds amazing! I’m 13 weeks post partum and never found anything that helped with my SPD honestly. I did find that I could do body weight Bulgarian split squats without it hurting too bad. I’m still having some pain on my left side 🙃