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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 I am so sorry you're feeling this way. Staying home can be horribly isolating and vulnerable. But it shouldn't be THIS vulnerable. Even though you're in different roles performing different tasks, your husband should be able to view your contributions as equal to his own and to trust your...
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    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @dwhitecar Yeah, that was the only time it was useful for us! We haven't used our microfiber in many months by this point! I wouldn't necessarily invest. But the extra covers would perhaps have been worth it! Just something to consider!
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    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @dwhitecar Honestly, our microfiber inserts were the best in those early days. My baby HATED being naked for even a moment as a newborn (to be fair, it was January), so anything to make it quicker was better. I still would maybe consider more covers, although if you're moving up to one size...
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    My newborn cloth diaper stash and process for my 18 day old, in 100% cloth since day 5!

    @dwhitecar You could do with less, if you really have to. We made it work with 3 newborn covers and about 24 inserts. We washed every other day (but probably more like every day and a half), and did a lot of hand washing the covers. We swapped her up to one size as early as possible, a few weeks...
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    How to dispose soft poop

    @phideltbeers I sprayed immediately after changing, or as soon as we got home, then threw them in the pail with the wet diapers. Worked great, and my plan again as I get ready for baby #2.
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    Baby on a budget?

    @kittykato8812 Check out Fluff Love University and r/clothdiaps. The short answer: a quick regular wash with half detergent, then a heavy duty load with full detergent. We wash in hot water, high spin, and heavy soil settings. The resources above give you a good idea of what the wash routine for...
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    5yo is getting a g-tube

    @christianarmywife Secondhand info, but- a good friend of mine has a wonderful kiddo with a g-tube. She says she doesn't understand how people give medicine to their children without it, because it's so easy!
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    Baby on a budget?

    Thought it might help to give numbers: - 3 newborn covers. I think we really needed more for exclusive cloth. We made it work. - 15 newborn inserts. Just the right amount. When she was tiny, we washed pretty much daily, and used these to double get night diapers later. - 18 one size Flip covers...
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    Baby on a budget?

    @def1968 We started cloth immediately with our daughter - she's never been in a disposable diaper. At birth, we used Nicki's Imagine newborn covers and Flip inserts. Then we continued with the Flip hybrid system. I liked that the inserts just lay in the covers, it was simple, the covers could...
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    Q for Parents who started using Cloth w Newborn

    @rui We started cloth immediately and exclusively with my first, and plan to with my second, due this summer! We had a few newborn inserts and covers (ai2) with my daughter, and sized her up to one size around 6 weeks or 2 months? We'll he doing flats/prefolds for #2 from birth, and a few...
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    Cervix dilated at 27.5 w

    @itrustgod With my first, I had contractions that had me start dilating at 29+5. It was scary. I made it to term. With my second, I went in at 33+3 for reduced fetal movement and was induced at 34 weeks for preeclampsia. She spent 10 days in the NICU. I hate to tell you, but there is just so...