Cervix dilated at 27.5 w


New member
My cervix dilated to 3.7 cm at 27.5w and made it to 28w now with ibuprofen and magnesium sulphate.

Any suggestions on how I can hold the baby longer , currently on complete bed rest except for using the restroom.

Have any other parents had similar experiences? How did your babies do in the NICU ?
@itrustgod I don't think there's much you can do. It's all luck.

At 27+1 I went from 3cm to 7cm in about two hours and was taken in for an emergency c-section. They said there was also a chance the dilation would stop, but it didn't.

Baby stayed in the NICU until a week before his due date. He's doing great.

Best of luck to you.
@biblestudy Same here.
My 27.1 weeker was discharged from the NICU on his due date. (April 7th).

I was on bedrest after reaching the hospital for 27 hours before he was born.
@itrustgod There's not much else you can do unfortunately. My cervix dilated to 4cm at 27w+4d, continued to progress despite mag sulfate, nifedipine and complete bed rest. The midwife and OB said it was a possibility that my cervix could close up but it wasn't in the cards for me.

During this time, I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom and had a urinary catheter. My bag of water was bulging a bit, but I kept my son in one more week but continued to dilate up to 7cm despite all the interventions. Eventually my bag of water burst spontaneously due to the tension and my son was delivered at 28w+3d. He spent 91 days in the NICU dealing with various issues but is now a thriving, adorable and clever 2.5 year old.

Whatever happens know that you've done everything you can and you're exactly where you need to be right now. Sending hugs
@itrustgod My best advice is take it day by day. A little different but got diagnosed with preeclampsia at 24 weeks. We started just taking it week by week when I made it successful with a lot of appointments and hospital visits to 32 weeks. We went day by day. You are strong, in the best care and one strong mama. 🤍
@itrustgod I was dilated and promd but not really. Like my membrane was hourglassing through my vagina at 24+6. I made it in the hospital until 26+6. Kid came out and did great, but please note that at any gestation one can vastly differ from the other. A 26 weeker can float by while a 29, 30+ weeker can have major issues and a long stay.

Every day you keep baby in helps, and that helped my mental immensely. Good luck!
@itrustgod I was admitted to the hospital at 28 weeks with 3 cm dilation and am now 33.5 with 5 cm dilation. When I was first admitted they treated me like delivery was imminent but as time passed and I had no active labor contractions the doctors began to feel like I could make it full term. They are now talking about releasing me at 34 weeks. It’s a difficult situation because nobody can give you an answer, your body is going to do what it wants and you have no control. I was terrified about nicu as well but the anxiety definitely does not help. Every time I have gotten stressed or upset I have had more activity. Sending you love because it is a difficult journey but you are in the safest place for you and baby. 🤍
@itrustgod I have had two rounds of steroids and magnesium. They have had me on a blood thinner shot 2X a day, prenatal, and a stool softener. They never offered me anything to stop contractions maybe bc I was dilating without contractions. In the past 24 hrs, I started consistent contractions, so they have given me fluid through an IV to keep me Hydrated and that has helped a little. Want to make it to at least 35 weeks so I’m just hoping this will pass.
@itrustgod I dilated 3.5 cm at week 21+6 to the point that my bag was bulging. I decided to not go to the restroom, got a catheter and I reclined my bed with my legs up. The cervix started to close as hours passed by to 2 cm but sadly there was an infection that they detected a couple days ago so I was forced to push. I was lucky enough I got magnesium and everything that the baby needed and she was born in her bag at week 22+1. We spent146 days in neonatal. The first week I was resting my body and trying to pump but second week we skin to skin her pretty much all day. Me and my husband would take turns of 11 hours each. Pretty brutal experience.

Something that helped me go through the process was thinking that 100 years ago a 22 week old would have not survived but the fact that now we have so much technology and using everything for her was enough for me. I never got my hopes up or down I just focused on the process and gave my everything to do my part which was skin to skin and offer her as much love and milk I could.

And my advice is don't think ahead or at least don't try to. Just get yourself as busy as you can and avoid pushing when pooping. Whatever you feel baby will feel too so try to keep yourself relaxed. My husband and I were watching my favourite movies on his phone. Time to time I'd realize of the situation and panic but I'd bring myself back.
You have nothing to worry about, you're in the best place and time for your baby to thrive ❤️

Btw She's now 1 year old and ahead of her communication and motor milestones.
@itrustgod How are your contractions? I was told by OB there are women who go weeks on 3 cm dilated cervix. There are stronger medications for contractions check with your OB. They don’t always work but they might.
@adam247 I came in to the hospital with contractions, but since then they have put me on ibuprofen and I do not have any more contractions. The doc said they cannot put me on ibuprofen past 32w though.
@itrustgod With my first, I had contractions that had me start dilating at 29+5. It was scary. I made it to term.

With my second, I went in at 33+3 for reduced fetal movement and was induced at 34 weeks for preeclampsia. She spent 10 days in the NICU.

I hate to tell you, but there is just so much luck in this game.
@itrustgod This happened to me at 26 weeks, dilated to 3cm. Was instantly put on a magnesium drip and managed to get the 2 steroid shots. I was on bed rest and only moving to go to the toilet and back.

Everything seems to settle down until the evening of 26+2, the contractions suddenly kicked in and then baby girl was born a few hours later. It all happened very quickly. The midwife made it clear that there was very little that could be done as baby had made her mind up that she was coming.

Luckily she is doing really well and is 3 weeks old now.

Good luck 🤞🏼 all you can do is take it a day at a time. I remember the consultant telling me that even every hour that you can hold that baby in is precious time for them to grow and get stronger.
@itrustgod My cervix was dilated to 2cm at 27 weeks. I made it to 33 weeks. No hospital stay, running around with two toddlers. You never know. Some don’t go into labor for weeks some go the same day. You’re where you need to be.
@itrustgod I went into the hospital on a Monday around 5pm and was at 5.5 cm dilated at 32 weeks, they put me on magnesium to delay the birth enough to give me the two steroid shots for baby’s lungs. I wasn’t even allowed to get out of bed to use the restroom. On Wednesday they stopped the magnesium since I was able to get the shots and said my body was going to do what it had to do and they let me start getting up to restroom. I ended up having my baby by Friday at 2:42 am. But every one is different
@itrustgod It’s totally different for everyone. I’m kind of surprised they put you on bedrest though. I walked around 4cm dilated for 4 weeks until I went into labor at 34+5 with my second pregnancy. But my most recent pregnancy I was completely closed at 28 weeks but then 3cm and waters broken a week later. I was given magnesium to stop the contractions and give enough time to get the steroid shots, but I was back in active labor in less than 48 hours and baby was born at 29+5 and had a 6 week NICU stay.