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    Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

    @1shizueallen1 My son also has multiple food allergies and something like this is my worst nightmare. People are crazy! You didn't overreact at all.
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    How long to hang onto pre pregnancy clothes?

    @nomoresmiles I donated a lot of clothes when I was 6 months postpartum with my second baby because I was convinced I'd never fit into them again and didn't want to be "that person" clinging to old clothes. I really wished I'd waited another year before doing that because I did in fact get my...
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @katrina2017 I can't see things drastically changing in the immediate future, especially as experts are predicting that the virus will have a resurgence this winter.
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @jerrygabriel That's exactly why I made this post. I just want people to know what it's like. If they still decide to TTC, that's their choice, but at least they know what the other side will look like. Unfortunately all of the timeslots for grocery delivery are completely booked ☹️ We do drive...
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @samantha_41 It broke my heart not to have my mom with me during delivery!
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @samantha_41 You're completely right. Those are all special experiences that nobody wants to miss out on! Not to mention, many OB practices aren't allowing partners to attend appointments or ultrasounds. My husband wasn't able to attend appointments during my pregnancy due to work schedule...
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @moshia So sorry to hear about what your friend went through. When the pandemic started getting worse, I told my husband that I expect there to be a sudden influx of maternal and fetal/newborn deaths as a result of people carrying out homebirths. I hope I'm wrong.
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    @rubichudhari45 I hope you end up with the delivery you want. It's so scary in the lead up not knowing how things will play out given the virus.
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    Advice from somebody who just gave birth during the pandemic

    I've seen a ton of posts lately from people wondering whether or not they should TTC during the pandemic. As somebody who gave birth 3 weeks ago, I wanted to share my experience in case it helps anyone with their decision. Social isolation Social isolation sucks so hard with a newborn! We...
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    Sex after birth

    @katrina2017 This doesn't happen for everyone. Both my kids were exclusively breastfed and I breastfed them both for an extended period (over 3 consecutive years). It never affected my libido, didn't make me dry, and sex didn't hurt whatsoever.
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    When did your ovulation/ period return EBF

    @benstiller12 8 months with my son, 13 months with my daughter.