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    5yo is getting a g-tube

    @christianarmywife Sounds like my kiddo too but we just aren’t at g tube yet. We’re on appetite stimulant. Some people just don’t eat. It’s hard to explain to others, and I think that’s the worst part. Can’t tell ya how many times my mom has said I gave my child an eating disorder, or he just...
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    am i running too much to conceive?

    @sahabds I would try to increase body fat if you can! That should help with straightening out your periods. It would be helpful too to see what’s going on with your hormones. I’d go to an endocrinologist and also get Inito, you pee on it daily and it measures estrogen progesterone LH and...
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    Vacation hell

    @qity Aww I’m happy you had an emotional release. You deserved that time.
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    Vacation hell

    @qity Oh I know it’s hard. I am not saying that you will have the best time ever on your walk, but you need to pace or cry or scream and they need to see what it is you do and offer a hand when the tiny people are awake. When they’re sleeping? Come on that’s bullshit.
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    Vacation hell

    @qity Next time one of them is crying, hand them over to someone tell them it’s their turn and walk the eff out. Have done this to my husband before. Allowed him to have more respect for my role in the hiuse
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    Pregnancy coaching

    @paulamasu I did for 30 weeks for my first pregnancy with strongeru macro coaching. They put you with a dietician and it was effective for me! Second pregnancy I did not do it and i was not as healthy or fit but I made a perfect baby. It’s your choice!