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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @katrina2017 Thank you. I’m trying, I just wish he would too.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @ajaye2014 What the actual fuck?? That’s such a horrible thing to do! I know it’s just hair and it grows back, but kids have some big feelings about their looks and it’s not fair to punish them like it. My ex is bald so I guess he thinks that it shouldn’t bother our boys to be as well, but IT...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @curious12 Thank you. I should have expected him to do something like that but it’s still bullshit.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @katrina2017 I agree. Maybe one day he’ll realize what he’s doing to them but I’m not holding my breath.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @katrina2017 Unfortunately, no. I wish there was though. The state where we filed for divorce/custody is big on “work it out yourself” which clearly isn’t working. Even if I took him back to court it wouldn’t change anything because he feels that because he’s an adult he should get to make...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @yahunatan My ex would lose his shit if my boys painted their nails... but I’ve done C’s before. He wanted them blue and glow in the dark green. Why not?? I’d come up with all the ways to make him crazy, but I know he would just torture the kids for it.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @mcoop Yeah, we’ll be doing that. I might go get some to put in the hair before he picks them up again next weekend to start their summer break... I really hate him.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @daemon_turner616 That’s really a great idea. Maybe that would help with some of the anxiety that C is feeling lately... thank you!
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @daemon_turner616 No, but I should ask them to start...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @catholics7777 He was overseas with the military. Can’t serve them while they’re deployed, but he sure was allowed to show up when I went to basic training and take the kids away from my parents, move them across state lines, and file an emergency custody change claiming I “abandoned them,”...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @piedtype I’ll do that. Thanks for the advice
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @catholics7777 Cool story (not really). I DID have a lawyer. He’s not answering my phone calls anymore after the last court date when my ex agreed to mediation then refused to sign the papers that he agreed to. I haven’t been able to do anything for the last 5 months because he’s been out of...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @catholics7777 Yeah, I keep a journal of when he does shit like this. Hopefully it’ll prove useful one day.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @catholics7777 I wish. He’s done so many fucked up things to try to punish me or just to be an asshole and the court doesn’t care as long as the kids aren’t being beaten or starved. It’s maddening.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @varadella I have. I apologized so many times tonight for what he did to their hair and we talked about how no one else gets to decide what they look like. I know they understand but they’re still hurting emotionally and that kills me.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @buckley73 Thank you. I know... I’m heartbroken for my boys. My 10 year old loved his long hair and was so proud to take the time to make it look neat every day now he just has some peach fuzz on his head. My ex said that if I dye it again, he’ll shave it again. It’s a power play, I know...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @griffithjose That’s what I thought too. I don’t get to decide anything without his permission, but he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Double standard much?
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @phroderick Thanks. Just when I think maybe we can peacefully go parent he does something like this and my hatred for him boils over again...
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    @dpca10112 That’s true... thank you.
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    Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

    I’ve been absent from this sub for quite a while, but I have to get this off my chest because I’m so fucking aggravated right now. A little background: been divorced from “J” for 3 years, we have 3 kids together - C, boy age 10; A, boy age 7; and L, girl, age 5 -and he has visitation every...