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    Freezer Stash & MIL

    @bastarr WTAF
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    I feel like I need some sense talked into me

    Oh, and keep walking daily! I truly believe if you keep walking that you’ll be able to easily return to strength and running postpartum (after the fourth trimester!). Visit a pelvic pt to do push prep. Start your perineal massage. Do the miles circuit. All of these suggestions are “fitness” at...
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    I feel like I need some sense talked into me

    @madamimadaminchrist You need to rest!! You are tapering before the big event. Devote some time to healthy meal prep for when baby arrives if you want to do something healthy. Download the spinning babies class and learn how to get your baby properly oriented for a smooth labor. Start...
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    Is our nursery dark enough? (Black out curtains)

    @luqmanmichel I think this must vary quite a bit. I napped baby in the light and loud living room for the first ~6-8 weeks to develop her circadian rhythm. Now that she’s 4.5 months she does her naps in the crib, but I actually just turn off artificial light and leave the blinds open for soft...
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    Post partum rehab program

    @worthycause4christ Is this your channel? I loved the program!
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    Am I doing this right?

    @iluvatar5150 I would bet with an unplanned c that your milk is not fully in yet on day 7. How are things going now? I think you may need a different flange size and more frequent but less length in pumping. Cap pumps at 20 mins and prioritize more frequent milk removal, including at least one...
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    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    @alwaysfaithful18 The period you’re in right now is so so hard. But I would not suggest taking 8 hours off, especially at night. How many times per night is your baby feeding right now? My girl was still about hourly at that age, so it’d be a lot of missed feeds. What helped me was going to...
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    What do you do during wake windows???

    @totesthegoat Agree 100%!! I don’t switch up activities until she demands it and I’m amazed at how long she can enjoy simple toys and activities