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  1. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @123noname123 I never said that you weren’t deserving. We are all deserving innately. Your whole response is based on the idea that I believe this and a lot of other things I don’t believe and didn’t say or imply. Bottom Line: Our government does a shit job supporting a healthy environment...
  2. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @123noname123 However, it’s not the same. Unless you are hired through an actual agency, it’s typically a regular family with two parents working as your employer. If those parents had more flexibility and support (like many other countries). They likely wouldn’t need you the standardized way...
  3. J

    I’m an idiot and MatLeave in this country sucks

    @123noname123 It’s not all about being amazing. Nanny parents would have to pay you while also paying someone else to care for the child/children during that time. If people are barely affording daycare… how are they supporting 2 Nannie’s ? With one of those Nannie’s not working...
  4. J

    The world is not made for single parents

    @jebusofdenmark This world is barely setup for two parents. You need two parents + to even remotely be not burnt out.