Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

@darcycat1 This is the way. I know it's hard for some women to give up night feedings but letting dad formula feed for at least one night feeding is the only way to get enough sleep which is the key to sanity.
@greg231 By the time I returned to work at 17 weeks my son had a 7pm bedtime that he fell asleep for that pretty well. I would put him down for a nap then head to work (husband WFH) so he really only had like 4 hrs of baby time by himself. I’d come home around midnight and my son would wake up to eat shortly after so that was fun. I was super consistent with our schedule and sleep trained (gently) to make sure this would go as smoothly and predictably as possible.
@lesbian5eva I did for almost 3 years when I had my second kid, and it was great. I worked some evenings and every other weekend on call as a hospice nurse. It was great because my husband was the parent doing bedtime and had alone time with the kids every other weekend. We never had an issue with me being the preferred parent just because I was home more.
@lesbian5eva do itttt! so i got laid off from a really high paying job during covid and husband doesnt have insurance. i had to go work for starbucks to get healthcare (their healthcare was great, not gonna lie) and they required 12 hours/week to keep insurance. i basically did 4.30-8.30am, 3-4x week and had baby the rest of the time. the key thing is SLEEP. i napped when baby napped. housechores come second!
@lesbian5eva Are you my wife?

This is incredibly similar to my situation lol. Wife is also a therapist, she owns her own practice and only sees people via telehealth out of our home office. I work a standard 7-4 in a different industry.

The tough part is then you will miss out on the dinner/bed/bath routine (once your child is old enough to have a routine established) and then there will still be things to do at the end of the night after baby goes to sleep. I’ve got the bed/bath time thing down much better now (we just had our second in November of last year) but rarely was I able to get to bed before 10pm and being up at 5+however many wake ups during the night isn’t sustainable. Our 7 month old is not a good sleeper.

We actually found the routine that worked best for us was part time daycare. Kids go 3 days/week so my wife works 2 full days and a short day on the 3rd which gives some built in time for grocery shopping or errands and cleaning and we can all spend more time enjoying our weekends when we’re all home. She does still see 1 or 2 people in the evenings as she has clients that couldn’t switch to days, but all in all it’s working really well for us. She gets lots of time with the kids on the days she doesn’t work and we don’t spend too much of our weekends playing catch up from things during the week. Well, except for laundry lol.
@trixee12 Thank you for sharing! I’m still on maternity leave, so no advice, but I’m in a similar situation to OP in that I work from 6-9pm.
Everyone on this site keeps saying that babies’ optimum sleep routine is to be done early, but I keep wondering to myself, “Can’t we just do it later?” Like my mom already does most of the bath time so I could miss that, but I wouldn’t want to miss the rest of the routine!
Life really does change when having a kid…
You’re saying having my husband wait for me isn’t a good idea unless he also gets an evening job, or he only works a few days in the morning.
@lesbian5eva I don’t do this, BUT: My husband watches the kiddo during the day while I work. Then, around 3:30/4, I take over, and he works 4-midnight.

It works really well for us and he loves it because he gets to spend so much more time with our pup.

We both mostly work from home, so that really helps too: on days I can get the pup to nap in the afternoon, I get more time to work.

On days I go into the office or have an event I need to attend, we get childcare for the afternoon/evening.