Your experiences formula feeding in public


New member
I’m 6 weeks in and have decided to switch to formula. The decision largely comes for mental health issues but also a little bit due to baby girls transfer issues/tongue tie. I’ve been keeping one foot in the door of trying to make BFing work, but my gut is telling me I’m not going to be in a good place even if I push it long enough for it to start working better.

I’ve been doing a lot of processing on why exactly i want to keep trying even though prior to getting pregnant I always thought that the pressure to go one way or another was absurd and that surely I wouldn’t care what others thought - I’d do what worked best for me and my family.

I’ve realized one of the main reasons I’m afraid to fully commit to formula feeding is not that I’m worried I won’t be providing for my daughter (I’ve done tons of research and feel really good about what formula provides!). I’m surprised to admit that I’m afraid of being judged when I feed her in public. I live in Los Angeles, and everyone I know BF’d, or seems to be BFing

So I’d love to know your experiences of formula feeding in public. Did folks criticize? Largely not care?? How did you get in the right headspace to deal with it? Additionally, the irony does not escape me that BFing publicly also gets judged. So I know there can be haters either way.

EDIT: thank you everyone that wrote in on their experiences. It reaffirmed that I’m waaay in my head and I have no reason to be. And for the instances where they actually have the audacity to comment on how a child is fed, I can politely tell them to fuck right off! You all are so right - most sane people wouldn’t think to comment, and the ones that do probably have their own shit going on and would comment on anything and everything. Thank you Reddit community for making a gal feel just a tiny bit more confident in a very new journey 💜🙏 I’m excited to hopefully start feeling like my old self sooner rather than later and being there for my daughter as a more positive and stable mother.

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