
@ashbash400 Our LO is 8 months now and I’d do anything for those snuggles now. She barely wants to be held let alone cuddled 😩I’m so glad we didn’t listen to people and cuddled her 24/7 until she decided to stop.
@sailor_a I know this day will hit because my boy is super curious, as soon as he can actually do things I know he’ll want to go explore. Until then, I’m soaking up these snuggles while I can! Thanks for the validation ❤️
@ashbash400 I absolutely hate when people would tell me not to hold the baby to much as a new born cause they’ll want to be held all the time. THERE BABIES they want to be held cause they know nothing else you can not spoil something take doesn’t even know what there freaking hand is!! I held my LO and let him sleep on me constantly and it didn’t “spoil” him.
@ashbash400 My paediatrician keeps reminding me that you can’t spoil them this young. If they want snuggles, you snuggle! If they want food, you feed them! You get those snuggles! Get all the snuggles!