Y’all I forgot how TIRING this is. The guilt for my 9 month old is awful recently.


New member
I’m only 7w2d with my second and OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. LADIES!!!!!!!!!!! My son will be 10 months old this month. He’s on the verge of walking, he knows mama, baba, dada, an occasional hi and yeeeeeAH here and there. He is full and I mean FULL of energy lmao. I love him so much. We have so much fun. Recently I’ve been putting on Ms. Rachel and I can’t help but feel so so so guilty. I cry about it. I’m just so tired. I sit in his play pen with him and watch him watch her. Or we will play, but sometimes I just do not have it in me. I don’t want him to know screen time as all the time. Which it isn’t I guess but I freaking feel like it is. We went outside yesterday because PA SUCKS ASS and the weather was finally so nice. He wanted to go go go and I was just so. Fking. Tired. It’s like I could barely enjoy it. And that makes me SO SAD.

I’m so tired. Must be worse because I’m taking care of my lil mister man while pregnant with his first sibling. My husband works nights, he has to sleep during the day (which is fine because he told me to wake him up at 11 but I just can’t bring myself to do it. He works his ass off).

Anyway, I’m home from work as of right now until next week while they get my doctors restrictions figured out and place me somewhere on light duty. Our baby sitters are my parents and they are away for a month and a half since the end of March. (I found out THE DAY BEFORE they left lmao). So yeah it’s been nonstop me and Bubby boi (props to you stay at home moms. You are my role models).

I was so sick with him, I am also sick this time but the EXHAUSTION YALL IT IS KILLLLLLLIIIIIIING ME. Killing me. Absolutely killing me. I legit don’t know what to do besides power through it.

Coffee is absolutely disgusting rn too. Go figure.

In all seriousness though, I am grateful for this pregnancy. And I just cannot wait to gtfo of this trimester.
@mikeymike48 If it makes you feel better, I didn’t want any screen time either but around the 11-12 month mark (so very close to your baby’s) I caved in specifically for Miss Rachel.

Now she’s 22 months old, not even fully 2 years old yet, and knows about 300 words, can count to 13, and backwards from 10, can read letter names and 0-10, and can form simple sentences. So screen time is not the be-all of guilt! She repeats a lot of things from the show, in addition to the things we practice.

Just make sure when you DO have energy that you give quality attention and reinforce some of the same songs and speech from the show so that it acts as a companion study tool, and “read books” by pointing out words at his level.
@mhikl Thank you so much for your response! You made me feel a lot better, honestly. And that is all I put on for him! He loves it. And I do end up singing the same songs and teaching him new things with her guidance (believe it or not she has taught me a lot).

I truly appreciate your input. Thank you!