WTAF OPKS - Clomid round 3


New member
I’m awaiting my first fertility doc appt next month and I’m on my last cycle of OB prescribed clomid (50 mg) on CD 3-7.

OPKs and my regular periods have told me that I’m ovulating, so I’m only taking clomid to hyperovulate. Last 2 rounds of clomid were “successful” because of my pretty high progesterone draw on day 21. (55 ng/mL and 48 ng/mL respectively) but they didn’t result in pregnancy, so here I am on round 3 waiting for the dreaded and inevitable HSG.

My OPKs this cycle have been positive from day 7-11 (seemed a little early?) and then they’ve been low ever since.

Have any of you out there taken clomid and tracked OPKs - were they ever that early?

Typically I peak on CD14 on the dot, regardless if I’m on clomid or not.