Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

@perrero I wish someone would take my two year old for a week lol I’d do it. Vacationing with kids is not vacationing. It’s parenting in a different location. If you trust grandma 100% go have fun with your husband and your 2 year old will enjoy being spoiled.
@perrero If your kid is used to being with a grandparent, they should be fine. In your shoes, I would either take the kid or leave them with grandparents. As parents, we gotta take the vacation some way or the other
@perrero My parents took a trip across the country when I was about 2. We're in Canada, so this is a significant distance away - its not like they could drivw home, the flight is about 5 or 6 hours. The only reason I remember is because I have the postcard they sent me. My Nana stayed to look after me and I presumably had a great time because I loved her dearly and she was like a third parent to me. It didn't do me any lasting damage 😄 My mum is my best friend so I don't think it hurt our bond.
@perrero Yes, at 2 I would. When she was younger I wouldn't have been as comfortable, but at this age she doesn't mind staying over her grandparents for a night or two. I think a week should be okay.
@perrero GO! Take this time to recharge, your son will miss you but once he adapts he’ll be chillin’. After you’re back he won’t realize how long you were gone. The concept of time for kids isn’t as intense as it is for us adults!
Do the damn thing 😝
Technology is in the palm of your hands, you can call him at anytime
@perrero Go! Have fun. Your kiddo will be fine and will benefit from his parents taking a fun vacation. Vacation serves a purpose and vacationing with kids sucks, generally. Go! Vaya! Ahora mismo!
@perrero Thank you for posting this and everyone who commented!! My wife and I are taking a road trip for the first time since our baby was born next week. She's had this worry that she's a bad mom for leaving our 8 mo with his loving grand parents. I've tried to tell her that she deserves this and it'll be nice for the grand parents to spend time with the baby. Thank you all for making her feel better. And if you see this hon, I hope work is going well.xo
@perrero 100%. I am already planning on doing this next year, as my husband and I never got the Europe trip we had to reschedule due to COVID. Baby will be like 20 months at the time, and I trust my parents completely. If you're comfortable with whoever is looking after your child, then it's a no-brainer, go!
@perrero Just took a 13 day trip to Italy/Greece (wedding then vacay). Our 16 month old stayed with my family.

I personally don't think we would go that long again. About 5-7 days felt fine (probably much needed), but we both started to get almost anxious after that. I think the time difference made things worse as well, since there was a limited window that we could actually Facetime and such.

We talked to a lot of friends/family about it before we left and received opinions on both ends of the spectrum. I truly don't think it will matter in your child's life one way or the other at that age, but it becomes more of a subjective decision on how long you can handle being away.
@perrero Honestly, he will be absolutely fine I'm so sure. He will be loved and cared for and spoiled and that's fine :) you deserve some you time!

We recently went away for 3 days without our 2yo for the first time and she was so indifferent when we got back 😅 she was happy to see us but she had also had so much fun and joy with my parents that she didn't really miss us at all.
@perrero I think as long as he’s used to grandma and you FaceTime often it should be ok. Not the same but I went on a week long work trip and my son is very attached to me, pushes dad away etc and I was worried. But he was content with me FaceTiming him and me saying mommy will be back in X days! And we just kept it very positive. He didn’t have any adverse reactions and daycare said he was fine.
@perrero Well i surely hope this doesn't scar them. Our newly 2 yr old is currently with grandparents for a week while we're at the hospital for the birth/c section with our second. They report he's fine
@perrero Leaving my 2 yo on Friday for a two week international vacation with my bf/her dad! I can’t wait! Of course there’s guilt but I know she’ll be in great hands and we’re going to have the best time ourselves!
@perrero Both me and BD was gone for 2 weeks when we had our second born (stayed at the hospital for a long time) and she (2 years) adjusted really well and now it has been forgotten. Apparently she talked a lot about us. Whenever she played with her toys they were mom’s and dad’s. She never cried, she fell asleep at night and everything went well. 😊 And now (at 2,5 years old) it has all forgotten. Take that trip alone and enjoy a «break» 😄