Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

@perrero My husband and I took a trip together and left the babies with grandparents and it was great! The only thing is be careful, now we’re having baby number three!
@perrero I know it’s tough and scary leading up to the trip, but if you trust your caregivers you two should go for it! We did this and I wanted to cancel. I called my sil in a panic! Was totally freaked out. My daughter had so much fun I don’t think even noticed we left until we got back!
@perrero Girrrrllll!!

2 words: vacation. sex.


If the grandparents are ace, I’d do it!! I WISH my husband and I had that kind of trust and belief that our parents could take care of our 2 year old even for a night!!
@perrero I would say it's not about whether he will remember it or not, it's about how you can manage a holiday with a 2 year old. I just have to say it will keep you on your toes. But I've learnt to accept the fact that my kid does not interfere with my life, therefore he travels with us everywhere :D
@perrero Travelling with a 2 yo is actually quite ok.

But my husband is going to take my son for a boys trip next month so it’s the same situation: secondary caregiver with LO for a week. It might scar Bub a little bit, but it will strengthen their relationship with grandma (in my case dad) in turn and any little trauma is a great opportunity for repair and building resilience, which is more important to long term mental health than never experiencing trauma (according to my therapist).
@katrina2017 I don’t know the exact definition, but as I’m home with the kids and he works full time with regular travel my LO sees him about as much as his grandma and LO is very attached to me when it comes to sleep etc, so I do by far most of the care giving and he does a “secondary” amount.
@perrero Fly grandma out with you! Maybe for part of the trip if you can’t afford to house her the whole time. That way you can have time with your son and time without. Just because he won’t remember the trip doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun experience with your child. I mean kids can’t remember the majority of their young lives but we still do all the fun things right?
@hekler I wish we could afford that. If we go I want to do quite an adventurous tour, that just wouldn't be child friendly at all. I'd rather take him on holiday in my country and do nice things that he would enjoy, than take him with us!
@hekler P.s. I didnt downvote you!. It's a long way and expensive (this would wipe out any saving we make by combining with my work trip), but I appreciate your point! I guess my point is that we could't do the fun adventurous tour we wanted to do as they aren't geared for kids....
@perrero Go take that vacay! I’m sure it’s much needed and if bub is already good with grandma I don’t see why you would have any issues! I use to look forward to staying with my grandparents when my mom and dad took a trip!
@perrero Hell yes I would take it! 😂
I’ve had quite a few friends go on week long international trips without their baby around the 1 year mark. We are already planning ours for next year lol
We are definitely going to take her on trips with us, but until she’s old enough it just seems like a huge hassle