Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

@perrero I’m of the mindset of take your baby on holiday with you when you can but also it’s fine to go without them every now and than. Leave the kid and go have fun!
@perrero Hubby and I recently went on a 10 year wedding anniversary trip to another country. Left our 2.5yo in the care of Aunties. LO had a blast with doing something new, yet comfortable, and we got much needed adult alone time. Face timed every morning and evening. We're waiting until LO is a bit older before taking trips abroad. GO!
@perrero Your kid will love it. Maybe he’s upset for the first night/morning, but esp since you won’t be around, he’ll adjust quickly. You should absolutely go if you have this opportunity—totally worth it for your marriage.
@perrero Depends on what country it is, honestly. Costa Rica, yes, I would take a toddler to. Nicaragua, no. Northern triangle, ehhhh. Probably not.
@perrero Absolutely! We went to Europe for 10 days just before baby turned 2 last year. He was fine and we had a much needed vacation. Grandparents loved spending time with him and spoiling him, they really bonded. Would recommend 10/10.
@perrero My wife and I are invited to a close friends wedding in Mexico in March. Our son will be 10 months but we aren’t going to go. Too young and too far. They will get a nice wedding gift from us
@perrero Could you bring grandma on the trip with you? She could help you guys out for the long travel & also be there to watch him in the evenings for you to go out?

This is my * dream * set up lol I love having my kid with me and experiencing things with him. I personally wouldn’t be able to leave mine for that long. We’ve done several vacations that are weekend getaways. But it’s just something about that amount of time, it would personally be hard for me. My kid would prob be fine tho, lol

If you’re 2nd guessing it, I would try to find a way to bring grandma with you. But I definitely
Wouldn’t cancel the trip either way! You will both get thru it regardless!
@perrero I think only you can know how your little one will take it, truly. Some kids might be fine but others would absolutely be messed up about it for a while. My kiddo would have been really upset even that that age, I think. Even now a year older and a weekend away is stressful for all.

For myself, I would probably just go on the trip alone and have baby stay with my spouse. That is always an option.

Alternatively, have grandma come to your place so at least there are familiar surroundings and no jet lag for the little one.
@perrero I don't think there's anything wrong with doing so, but I probably wouldn't, myself. I don't think I'd want to be away from my baby that long. I think I could do 3-5 days max.
@perrero I have done something very similar and it was amazing, and I'm planning to do it again yearly actually because 1. My parents love seeing and taking care of my child and are amazing at it and 2. That quality alone time with husband is at an all time low. Taking a week or so to recharge with him on a vacation strengthens our marriage. Do this trip and have so much fun! The people who give you shade are jealous. Just make sure to leave grandma with a copy of birth certificate and his passport etc in case he needs to go to the doctor for some reason. Mine got a cold while I was gone and luckily I was able to facetime and show the urgent care our insurance card (this was in the states) so now I leave that with bub too in case they need it.
@perrero Your Mum is either jealous you didn't choose her to watch him or she's jealous that she never got to do this when you were young. People love to throw shade at moms and guilt trip them because they didn't have similar opportunities or it didnt work for them. So they like to make it about you and not them "oh I could never leave my sweet baby for THAT long." Like WTF, you're not dropping them at the orphanage, the kids is getting a fun vacation with grandma too!
@bfoj1950 Yep u hit the nail on the head. There is a lot of the latter and maybe a bit of the former (though she could never do this and wouldn't want to). I feel bad saying this cos she DOES help out, but there is a little bit of the generational thing of 'I struggled when I had kids, and that's how it is'
@perrero My husband and in laws are planning to go on a trip together next November. We'll be walking and moving a lot so they're also planning to have my 4 month old son stay with my sister for those two weeks. He'll be 18 months by then, but still 🫠