Work schedule


New member
None of this matters but I just wanted someone to weigh in. I have been working extra to bank time for the summer. I'll have about 70 hours of time off to use just for the summer. I overspent ($) on vacations last year and we're going on a trip in May so I don't want to take summer vacations. We'll probably plan a few weekend getaways but nothing else.

What's better? I have 4 kids. 6, 7, 10, and 14. Obviously single parent. I work from home. I need them to not sleep all day and not fight constantly. I have my kids 4 out of 5 workdays. I could take a day off every non-holiday week and work 8-4 every other day. I could take 1.5 hours off early every day and work 8-2:30. Or I could take 2-2.5 hours for lunch and work 8-4:30 with that chunk of time in between to break up the day. If I do an hour instead of 1.5 extra for lunch, this also allows me to take a few days off elsewhere. I was thinking the long lunch is the best. I can take them to the library, gym, hiking, playground, biking, out to eat. I can extend it on occasion to go to the pool or movies. It'd be different and fun. They'd get to sleep in and do their own thing but have to be up and dressed/showered by 12. They'd be active daily. The day would be broken up so less fighting hopefully.

This is my favorite problem to have. I'm unlikely to ever have the opportunity to work extra and bank the hours again. I just want another person to chime in on the best plan. How would you structure the summer?
@missesther I'd take lunch early, leave at 2:30. 'Cause if anything happens, even too much fun happens; you could be late for your remaining hours at work.

Maybe once a week take the longer lunch break and do something nice for lunch at home. 'Cause even that, going out for lunch, if it's crowded or long lines, you'd be late for the rest of your working hours.
@missesther I would take a day off to spend with each kid. Let them know they each get a special, one-on-one day with mom. Then I would take an entire week off for the entire squad. This will leave you for one day off, just for yourself.