Will I ever sleep again? šŸ« 


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I had my 2nd daughter 5 weeks ago. I did not get to EBF my 1st daughter and ended up exclusively pumping for 1 year. Of course that has its pros and cons but the pros included dad getting to do overnight feedings and getting to leave the house for more than 2 hours. My 5 week old is EBF and will not take a bottle (I know itā€™s still early & we still practice every day) and Iā€™m getting next to no sleep. This is an example of what last night was like and Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s normal because other people on this thread seem to be getting longer stretches of sleep so Iā€™m not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong. After sheā€™s done nursing, settled back to sleep and diaper changed, Iā€™m maybe getting 30mins-1hr of sleep at a time. I have an over supply so I know sheā€™s getting enough milk. Any advice?

ā€¢ 7:25pm - 11 minutes L breast
ā€¢ 7:43pm - 11 minutes R breast
ā€¢ 11:33pm - 10 minutes R breast
ā€¢ 11:46pm - 5 minutes L breast
ā€¢ 1:26am - 7 minutes R breast
ā€¢ 3:26am- 16 minutes R breast
ā€¢ 3:50am - 12 minutes L breast
ā€¢ 6:04am - 16 minutes L breast
@exicon So 1. yes, eventually (I think haha) 2. this is normal and also SO brutal. 3. you can still pump and give a bottle so you can get an uninterrupted chunk of 4 hours of sleep, just have to pump again within a 24 period to make up for the feeding

Also second the pacifier thing if you haven't tried!
@exicon Does your baby take a pacifier? My second was nursing constantly at night because he just wanted to comfort nurse/suckle all night long. We ended up introducing the pacifier at less than a week old because we weren't getting any sleep.
@exicon Ugh that's rough.

Is this sleep disruption recent? 5/6 weeks is a pretty big developmental stage and some babies sleep is pretty disrupted by it.
@exicon Funny I donā€™t remember changing the boob in one session of feeding. Do you unlatch her or she just stops herself?

Also yes thereā€™s a leap on 5th week or so. I remember from that point on I started co-sleeping in the mornings, I was falling asleep anyway so I thought I might as well make it safe according to guidelines. I had my morning sleep until about 9-10 months like that.
@advikasharma I hadnā€™t been doing that initially but would get super engorged in my other breast between feedings. She will unlatch so on those feedings I may not have worn my Hakka and will offer her the 2nd breast after changing diaper/if she wake up and stays awake on transferring her to sleep.
@exicon Yes I definitely had nights like the one youā€™ve described above. By 11 weeks I consider feeding 3x in a night a ā€œbadā€ night, by which I mean you will rapidly get through this stage and forget how bad it was. If you can afford to be tired now, you are laying the foundations of a great breastfeeding journey in the future as youā€™ve done the groundwork on building supply and those essential ozs of weight gain in the first few weeks.

By 8 weeks I experienced my first four hour stretch and it genuinely changed my life.

(By the way Iā€™ve never used a pacifier and despite my efforts baby currently doesnā€™t take a bottle so Iā€™m not putting any energy into pumping which can sometimes be a hindrance, I wouldnā€™t lose sleep to pumping unless you have to or thereā€™s a benefit to gaining sleep along the way. You can always pump eventually, you donā€™t have to start now)
@exicon I donā€™t have any words of advice, just that my daughter had a similar schedule early on, though a bit more spacing and longer feedings. I wish more people reminded me at the time that it ends, so - things will get better!! Eventually my husband did a good chunk of night feedings with either pumped milk or formula and the extra sleep made a world of difference. I hear you on getting super engorged. Me too but that also got better. Weā€™ve been through the wringer with BF, me and baby girl, but sheā€™s almost a year now and we have the sweetest, most beautiful BF relationship I could imagine. Hanging in there is not right for everyone, but Iā€™m so glad we did. Good luck!!
@exicon Ugh feel this - I have a one month old and Iā€™m really struggling with the lack of sleep. Feels like Iā€™ll never sleep again and I am such a zombie. Iā€™m worried this will be how I have to function for a long time and I wonā€™t be able to sustain the BF. Feels really defeating.

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