Wife’s blood test results. Should we expect the worst?


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We had our ultrasound on Friday for our 7w0d embryo. It was a FET. They said the baby measured in around 6w0d so a week behind but we did see a heart beat. They said this could mean it’s just a slow grower and they expect it to be caught up next week or that this is a sign the pregnancy will fail. We scheduled another ultrasound for this coming up Wednesday. We also got blood work done and unfortunately they closed today prior to us getting the results back. We got emailed the results from the lab and were curious to know if this is a cause for concern and if we should expect a miscarriage.

HCG: 12415 mIU/mL
Progesterone: 76.0 ng/mL
Estradiol: 302 pg/mL

For comparison, the previous bloodwork was on April 23rd with the following results:

HCG: 4268 mIU/mL
Progesterone: 68.4ng/mL
Estradiol: 2147pg/mL

She’s taking estradiol pills and has been throughout the whole process. She was also taking estradiol patches at the same time. Then after the April blood test , they said to stop taking them but continue the pills.

I guess we’re concerned with the significant drop of estradiol levels. I’ve seen online people saying it can fluctuate but I just don’t know to what degree.

Update 5/8:

We went back in for our ultrasound today and it doesn’t appear that that the baby has grown much if at all. Heart rate wasn’t able to be read and they believe the baby measured in at 6w1d which is one day more than last Friday. Pretty much told us the signs aren’t good but so long as there is a heart beat, which they saw although pretty slow, to just keep on keeping on but to prepare for the worst.
@jermoh A heartbeat is a really good sign. The hcg also looks really good and is headed in the right direction. I wouldn’t worry too much. I know that’s easier said than done but I think everything looks positive.
@allthingsthroughchrist Thank you! We actually just had our nurse email us and said essentially the same thing about HCG. They said they’d like for it to increase a little more but it’s still on the positive side.
@jermoh Measuring a week behind can be alarming news but all your other bloodwork looks good. Your doctors may be right that you just need another week so get caught up. Images are so microscopic at this stage it's not crazy to be off a little on measurements. I hope you get good news next week.
@jpmac My doctor told me that + or - 7 days is usually fine at this stage because it could even be a measurement issue as things are so small. OP, don't count this pregnancy out yet!
@jpmac Yeah that part was the most concerning part. It sucks we will have to wait until Monday to have one of the nurses look at the lab results. Hopefully I can update some good news then.
@jermoh Blood work levels are normal for hcg 7 weeks could be between 3,000 and 160,000
And her progesterone also looks good.

While a week behind can be alarming it could’ve been bad measurements

I’d say it’s safe to breathe and trust that baby is healthy.
@childofjesus201 We went back in for our ultrasound today and it doesn’t appear that that the baby has grown much if at all. Heart rate wasn’t able to be read and they believe the baby measure in at 6w1d which is one day more than last Friday. Pretty much told us the signs aren’t good but so long as there is a heart beat, which they saw although pretty slow, to just keep on keeping on but to prepare for the worst.
@childofjesus201 Hey there, unfortunately this past Wednesday we had an ultrasound that confirmed the heart had stopped beating. It was pretty much what we expected to hear but still difficult nonetheless.
@jermoh Do you know how was the HR ? I also have done IVF and my embryo measured behind at 6w2d and at 6w5d , CRL at that stage can lead to wrong dates because of human error . At 8w it was bigger and easier to measure and at that stage it was right on time. I know its very stressful but its always good sign to find a heartbeat !
@curtis2022 They didn’t tell us a heart rate or at least we didn’t hear them tell us. I think we both kind of just focused more on it being a week behind more than anything. We’ll have an update on Wednesday 🤞
@jermoh My IVF Doc told me at the time that at that stage he just wanted to know if there was a heartbeat and nothing else, he even joked with me asking "so you were looking for a baby were you? " but still .. only time allowed me to relax a bit !
@jermoh That bloodwork looks great. Many countries don't test estrogen at all during FET (or pregnancy) because it basically means nothing at this point. I hope next week's scan is reassuring!
@jermoh Looks good!! If HCG is rising great progress, mine was doubling then tripling! I was told pregnancy was non viable as no baby was seen. Turns out was twins one had passed and other baby was hiding when I had a rescan 2 weeks after I’m not 15 weeks with my baby boy
@jermoh Hi. So checking hcg after 6 weeks is kind of useless if you have a heart beat. Ultrasound is way more reliable and as long as hcg is increasing it’s fine. Based on my last menstrual period, my baby was almost 3 weeks off at my first scan at 6 weeks. I had a progesterone of 8.4, spotting, and hcg only went up 10,000 in 2 days. I am high risk from a still born in October, I am plus size, and I have preexisting diabetes. I was put on progesterone supplements. Given frequent ultrasounds. A week later baby jumped up in size so based on my last period baby is 2 weeks off, but we adjusted the due date. Most likely late implantation. At 12 going on 13 weeks baby is very healthy, looks normal, and heart rate is perfect. Baby was moving so much during a viability scan we could barely get a size lol. We are waiting for genetics results, but aside from that no problems. Try not to fixate on numbers. They are looking good and it’s super common for babies to measure behind, especially in the first trimester when the difference in weeks is millimeters. Good luck!