Why is overworking a flex?

@jcsista Can’t! My boss is on them and sometimes her boss….. I’m just going to go back to 9-5… I’m just annoyed that this perk was offered and then taken away
@jcsista I agree! My personal life comes first before work. You don’t owe anything to your company other than what you have agreed to in your contract / policies etc.
@atlkate I hate the glorification of being busy and having a ton of meetings. I recently returned to work after maternity leave and made it very clear to leadership that they get 40 hours out of me and my team and not to expect anything extra. There have been a lot of changes at my work recently including layoffs and lack of bonuses due to the "economy" even though we hit all our goals. I'm a director and have a team of 6 reporting to me. I had no say in the bonus situation, but the least I can give them is a good work life balance. They know to come to me if anyone gives them a hard time about this and I'll have their backs. My boss doesn't love this, but he knows it's unfair to ask more of us given the situation.
@homelesschristian I 💯agree! I feel like ever since Covid lockdown there’s a large percentage of people who don’t think they’re working if they’re not in a meeting… so they over schedule time and do weekly “check-ins” that no one is listening to anyway. You phrased it right… the glorification of being busy
@atlkate I once had a German boss who strongly believed that people who worked longer hours weren’t “more dedicated”, they were just inefficient. I liked this way of thinking.

In all seriousness, this sort of policy doesn’t work if you don’t have upper management buy-in, and it sounds like you don’t. If I were you, I would return to the standard 9-5 work week and reclaim your time M-Th.
@atlkate I am in Europe and I worked in the past for an American company, so I know the dynamics are not the same, but I would for sure just say "sorry, I can't attend this meeting, since it was a short Friday I booked some activities in this time and I can't reschedule them".

No one needs to know your activities were to sit on the couch and watch Netflix.