Why do kids mix up pronunciation of certain words?


New member
You must have all seen videos like
etc. Why do kids get some words wrong?

Is it down to something wrong with their speech itself (which they will get it correct eventually), or are the kids playing along seeing our laughter? Also is there a technical or English term for these kind of mix-up?

The same thing happenns with my little brother for some words. I am not worried at all, I am just trying to understand what is causing this.
@heavenmindset phonemic and phonological awareness

Kiddos still learning the verbal language and manipulating the different sounds that compose a word, sentences etc. Sometimes things get mixed up

and sometimes it can be playful to do so like in the video !

I think in this example she's saying 'ta' and 'be' and when trying to connect the two she goes 'bada' instead of the opposite that would be more like it - da and ta being very close.

You are right to not worry about this, it's a normal part of their development

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