Why, child? Just. Why?


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Twin A: “I have 3 bracelets! Hey! [Twin B]! Say, ‘Can I have a bracelet please?’”

Twin B: “Can I have a bracelet please?”

Twin A: “No.” [Prances away]

Cue tears from Twin B over not getting the bracelet she didn’t even want before it was offered. And then tears from Twin A when I made her hand a bracelet over because what the actual f*$k. And then a sit down conversation about how we don’t offer things and we especially don’t tell people who are minding their own business to ask for things if we don’t intend to give them those things.

We’d only been awake like 30 minutes. We just woke up and chose instant violence.
@bible2 We have 2yo b/g twins. They have 2yo identical girl twins in their daycare class. Showed up today and one of them had a massive multi-finger scratch across their face. I thought our fights were bad, but that was next level!
@lil_sisa My twins are boy/girl but my oldest kids are three girls who are all born in three years. Not quite the same, but yeah, sister relationships get messy! I can only hope that somewhere under that they are also bonding.
@lil_sisa My 9yr old girls are at each others throats every day. It’s exhausting. Splitting them into their own bedrooms helped a little. Not much.
@bible2 Ours figured out real quick how to manipulate her brother into doing what she wanted. It's almost scary. Fascinating but eesh.
@pastoruc Yeah my girls are 3. This morning A got mad because "she needed space" from B (who was really just standing there lol). Then B started crying because her feelings were hurt. This was all within the first 15 minutes of getting up.

Then at breakfast (we have an island with 3 chairs) they each took the furthest chair from each other and left the middle opening cause they were "annoying" each other 😅

Most of the time they are inseparable though, to the point where my husband and I are considering deliberately splitting them occasionally lol
@clynn82683 You're lucky they went to opposite ends of the island. Mine will be annoying each other and sit on each other and when you tell them to split it does nothing.
@pastoruc This morning my boy twin (sick with an ear infection) pushed his sister into the wall and threw a board book at her, scraping off the top layer of her skin in one spot. Not 30 seconds later he was crying bc she bit him. We hadn’t even been awake 30 minutes (we had just gotten them up and gone potty).
@pastoruc My b/g twins are 19 months. My daughter will have a toy and my son will cry bc he wants it etc. I tell him sister is playing with it now but when she is done you can play with it. Then my daughter reaches the toy out to my son and when he goes to grab it she pulls it back. We have a lot of conversations how it isn’t nice to tease people.