When will Americans finally not care that I cosleep?


New member
My LO is 5 months. At bedtime I put him in his crib because I stay up a few hours later than him. When I go to sleep, I sleep on a floor bed in the nursery. In the morning he usually wakes up around 5am and falls asleep while nursing in our floor bed. I then either transfer him back to the crib or fall back asleep with him in C shape until about 8.

I keep our sleeping habits secret from everyone I know except my mother (she coslept with me and my sister) and my husband. At what age do American studies show that it is safe? Or when does the stigma stop?? I know about all the studies that say don’t sleep with them but I can’t find anything that says “okay you’re good now”

I don’t care about people thinking he’s spoiled for sleeping with me- I only care about family (especially on my husbands side) thinking I’m putting him in danger and this harboring hatred towards me. I just feel so uncomfortable lying.

Also, my husband is a medical provider and has seen babies pass away in the ER or come in after being smothered or trapped so he is very nervous about this too. I try to understand where he’s coming from because I can only imagine how hard it is to see that or be the one to tell the parents. So I guess a sub-question is when will our LO be able to sleep with both of us? Maybe there are studies about this I can share with him? We miss sleeping in the same bed.
@i_believe You seem overly concerned with what other people think. Honestly, nobody really cares. The stigma exists a LOT more online than an actual real social spaces. I went out of my way to tell people that we co-slept (for fun lol) and the majority of people actually just told me that they did too. And a lot of people said that they didn’t, but never did I get judgment about it.

Breast-feed as long as you want, and cosleep. it’s all good. Its your kid. Why do you care what other people think anyway
@barbee100556 Unfortunately I think people do care and do pass a lot of judgment. What I have seen in parenthood is you basically can’t win. If you breastfeed you’re having your tits out and get baby too attached (wtf) so you’re bad. If you formula feed, you’re not giving them the antibodies bf provides. Just a random example but almost everything will be judged and criticised. It’s annoying af. Obviously we need to learn to ignore or cope with these comments as you said so definitely same conclusion but it can be tough
@barbee100556 I definitely should care less. But I’ve had people ask me to make sure I’m not bedsharing. And family members who are very aggressively snarky about the topic.
Totally worse online, but hurts more in person even though there may be fewer comments because it’s people I know and care about!
@barbee100556 This might be your case, but isn’t mine and it sucks :(. I get flak from my ped, my friends, and different family members. ‘Oh I could NEVER put MY baby in HARMS WAY like THAT’ or ‘well didn’t you research/read/get told that you’ll smother the baby?’ ‘Don’t they teach you in the hospital that cosleeping will kill your baby?’ At this point I don’t care what they think, she’s never fallen off the bed, never gotten herself close to a situation where she could smother herself, and I have insomnia and am a VERY light sleeper. I know it’s what’s best for my family but I don’t talk about it openly unless asked outright anymore