When people think your rich just because you inherited some stuff


New member
1 my paycheck is only 300 dollars.
2 after bills and groceries I only get left 10 dollars
3. Stop telling me to walk along the highway which is a literal death trap and a 200 dollar fine
4 bus passes cost a hundred dollars a year
5 to ride the bus costs 50 dollars
6 just because I react to people badly doesn’t make me an asshole because they treat me like that first. If people don’t want to be treated like that then maybe they shouldn’t harass people.

7 don’t just claim I’m unreliable just because I seem to be complaining

8 those weren’t just chores at that point they should have paid me hence why I stopped doing them.

9 my stuff should have never been destroyed

10 my parents keep my cards your suggestions are literally useless and I can’t turn my cards off either cause only my mom has access to that.

11 stop making me explain when you can read. You people call me lazy and spoiled and other things yet you won’t even read to get a better understanding.

12 I’ll swear if I feel the need too got a problem with it oh well.
@gracesophia11 You are the single-most whiny person I've seen post on Reddit in weeks. Come on, you have been given sound advice but all you do is make excuses for why you can't do XYZ.

It sounds to me like you think you own things but you actually don't. The house isn't titled to you, your credit cards are not in your name, your bank is not your account. It's like someone told you you're going to get an inheritance and you're just jacking off until you get it, and then you're going to whine because somehow your parents are still going to take it from you somehow, lol
@gracesophia11 Then you have no excuse.

Call the card issuer and have those cards marked as stolen and have them reissued. Change the address of where they are sent.

Your mom can't stop you from doing this, she has no say if this is truly an account under your name.

Pick up the phone and call them.
@gracesophia11 If this is a BANK account, go online and open a new account by yourself. If your credit is terrible and that is stopping you from signing up with a major bank like Chase, then you can use a banking app like Chime or Current. You can have your money direct deposited into these new accounts.

Now, you go back to the old account and you withdraw all of YOUR money and have it transferred to your new account. You leave your mom's money alone or it will bite you in the ass later. Don't tell me you can't do this, because anyone who is listed as an authorized user on a bank account can withdraw and deposit money without limitation. You don't need the card. Then you tell the bank to TAKE YOUR NAME OFF THE ACCOUNT. Then you move on with your life.

You will need a state ID to do anything in your adult life, including opening these new accounts. So go get the doodly dang ID.

Nobody can help you but you. Nobody is going to scold your parents for you or tell you what you want to hear. You need to rescue yourself from this situation, so if you don't want to use the information that has been freely given to you -- repeatedly -- then I don't know what you expect from the community, but whatever it is, you're not going to get it.

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