When Mama has work from home deadlines, kiddo crying, what should Daddy do?


New member
A) yell at whining 4 year old back “well I don’t like you either”

B) make pregnant wife lift kid in and out of bath

C make a dinner kid doesn’t want and yell at her

D) focus on his work

E) let kid cry outside office door in garage while mama on her rare deadline

Or all the above?! Winner winner

Sometimes he’s great. And today it’s a Mama mama only day
@listenordont I'd be so pissed at this. Your job and income is an important part of the household as well and if he wants you to keep it, it would be in his benefit to help out. Preaching to the choir I'm sure, but wtf
@listenordont I used to have that problem too after a large promotion. It took a serious come to Jesus where I said, look, you don’t have any issue with all of the things this new position affords us (it was a large pay bump and has allowed us to take amazing vacations, buy a different house, buy new appliances, etc.) so you have to be okay with the other parts of this position that inconvenience you too. I always supported him and kept things going at home with his job. I needed the same, and while it still isn’t perfect, he has gotten a lot better. Good luck!!
@elvisrene10 F) daddy should step up because he’s a parent too, just one with different genitalia, but doesn’t make him any less responsible even if the child prefers you.
@rebecca25 This. I know this is a vent but honestly we need to stop normalizing shitty dads. My husband would never do this stuff and I’d like to think that’s the standard.