when do I panic


New member
So I was dumb. I (f16)(the age of consent in my state) and my boyfriend did something dumb late at night. I'm not on birth control, we didn't have a condom. It's been fine before. But this time feels different. It feels more.... Dangerous. I'd been having all my PMS symptoms before we had sex. Now I don't have any cramps and I'm about 3 days late. I've been stressed and whatnot but it just feels different. He pulled out but panicked because he said it still got fairly low. I'm hoping it's okay. I was gonna get plan b but my mom took my money without telling me. I just want to know when I should start to worry, and when I should ignore it. Please don't give me a "you're too young!" Abstinence speech or one about being safe. Obviously now I know better and I'm gonna be smarter, but also once you start having sex, how do you just stop, ya know? Also it's legal in my state. I just..m I'm really panicking.

Tldr; After unprotected w/o birth control but pull out, when do I worry about a late period?
@thingi You don't have to stop having sex and no one is going to get on you about the legality of it or not. But, it is worth noting that there are ways to have sex that minimize the chance of pregnancy occurring (unless you're ok with a pregnancy right now). If you aren't sure how to get started with birth control or condoms, definitely visit your doctor to talk about your options.

Pullout is about 78% effective over the course of a year. It's possible you're pregnant if you're having unprotected sex. The only way to know for sure is to take a test. They are mostly accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after, regardless of when you expect your period. When you test is based on when you have sex.
@namhoang217gv So if it happened on the 25th then I'd take it on the 8th - 15th? Okay. I'm sorry for being so rude. I'm really worried. Thank you though. Is there a specific brand of pregnancy test that works better than others? One that's more accurate?
@thingi Yes, that's correct. If you just had this happen on the 25th, your period is late because you ovulated later than you thought this cycle. If you get your period before the 8th, no need to test. A period means you aren't pregnant from any sex before your period.

We recommend pink dye tests over blue dye tests. Walmart, Amazon, and the Dollar Store will all sell them for pretty cheap (if you're in the US). Take one after a 3-4 hour urine hold without drinking too much water.

If you had sex within 120 hours, you can still get emergency contraceptive. Call your doctor if you're very worried and they can guide you.
@thingi You could be late from your anxiousness. When did you have sex? After 21 days from having sex you should get an accurate reading. Can you buy a test? Of course anytime you have unprotected sex there's always a chance of pregnancy but, I will say my husband and I have been using the pull put method for 3 years and still no baby. Just saying this to maybe calm your nerves, we have had a few scared and we talked about being okay with the possibility of an oops, if you aren't okay with that then extra measures should be taken.
@jcreek I mean, it hasn't been very long. It only happened on the 25th, but Ive had very regular periods for a long time. And my bf is really supportive and has always said if anything happens he'd help me but... Idk I don't wanna ruin his young adult life. We've been doing pullout for about 2 ish years and it was okay which is why it's scaring me now. Because I feel like our luck is running out. It probably is just stress but I'm really paranoid this week. I'm off my meds and I'm just nervous. I just wanted to talk to people who were supportive..

I can't buy my own pregnancy test but I had a friend offer to buy one and take it with me so I might do that in a few weeks if it hasn't started. I try not to worry within a few weeks of it being late, but I've never heard my boyfriend freak out about the pulling out as much as he did this time. It's really worrying me. The tone in his voice was really concerning. So guilty. She was worried.
@thingi With that time-frame it sounds like you had unprotected sex right around when you were supposed to start. If I have that right then one, it's way too early for symptoms and two it's very likely you are not pregnant. Your probably just late, our bodies change and our periods don't always start when we think they should. Hang in there!
@jcreek We had sex the day before I was supposed to start bleeding so I was concerned about fertility windows mostly. And worried about a lot of other unrelated things. I'm just grasping for any kinds of comfort rn tbh.
@jcreek I'm still stressed about it. It hasn't started and it's been too long. I'm trying to wait until the 8th to panic but I feel like crying about it all the time. Is there anything I could do to try to not worry about it? What do you suggest doing to avoid worry?
@jcreek I'm waiting to get a test until the 8th when it's accurate. But so far no real changes. No blood and too many hormones. I'm easily annoyed which is starting to frustrate my family. When I can tho, I'm gonna have my friend who's 18 get a test for me.