When breast milk goes to waste šŸ˜©


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Spent a lot of time yesterday pumping 15 oz for my baby. I put all the milk throughout the day in a pitcher and thought I put it back in the fridge before bed. I woke up this morning and somehow it was still on the counter. All that milk spoiled and gone to waste. Iā€™m so upset! All that time spent for nothing and my stash takes the hit. šŸ˜¢ Baby daddy just said ā€œwElL nOtHiNg We CaN dO aBoUt It NoWā€. Like ok yes but Iā€™m still upset after spending a lot of time out of the day with an apparatus on my boobs for nothing. Sad šŸ˜¢
Iā€™m so sorry it went to waste I canā€™t imagine the frustration your feeling at the moment and Iā€™m sorry baby daddy wasnā€™t understanding to your frustration, thatā€™s a lot of time and effort for you not to mention the mental toll pumping can take
Edit : was supposed to say baby daddy not ā€œbabyā€
@loveyallb Iā€™m so sorry - itā€™s so frustrating and upsetting when milk goes to waste. Sending internet hugs!

I know itā€™s crap, but something that has stopped me feeling so upset when milk spoils or is spilled is the idea that that milk goes to babies in heaven.

For the record, Iā€™m not remotely religious and donā€™t even believe there is a heaven šŸ˜‚ But as someone who has several miscarriages I like to think itā€™s milk going to my other babies ā¤ļø
@loveyallb We just graduated from 2 weeks of triple feeding yesterday. I was so tired I spilled 1 oz of my milk while trying to clean my parts. I was only ahead by 1 feed at that point and bawled. My husband felt bad, but couldn't help but giggle over the realization that women actually cry over spilled milk.

That's so much milk to lose. I am SO sorry.
@loveyallb Grieve mama. Grieve that milk, give your baby a delicious milk bath, and then make more. Know that it will never happen again because you will be extra careful.
@loveyallb Such a sad feeling! The only potential bright side is that all that work you did was still good for keeping up your supply so youā€™ll be able to keep producing that much today and tomorrow.
@loveyallb Feel your feels, mama!!

It sucks to think that your time and effort was all for nothing. I'm over here feeling bummed about a 2oz bottle going to waste. I mean... I legit used it to dab on my dog's itchy allergy skin bc at least it was used for something, right?! Lolol! I'd be losing my mind over 15 oz too!
@loveyallb I recently lost my little freezer stash which I had slowly built over 2 weeks, because I didnā€™t know the freezer in our mini fridge is unreliable šŸ˜­
Have been using the milk for baby bath

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