What would you feel about these betas and tests? Early pregnancy


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12DPO 10am: 49

14dpo 8am: 89.

17dpo 5pm: 183

I am 19dpo today

I’m so nervous. Not great doubling time between the draws, 55 and 76 hours, I think. Overall from 12 to 17dpo, 72 hours doubling. Pics of tests below.

Had menstrual-like cramping on 12DPO. Same day had two tinges of blood on toilet paper. Nothing since then except today I had another teeny pin drop of blood on toilet paper. I’m on progesterone suppositories so shouldn’t be bleeding? (I read on here that P masks MCs) I had a d&c 6 weeks ago. Maybe leftover blood?

easy@home and FRERs in pics. edit to add: shoot, the captions didn’t save. First pic is 17/19dpo. Second is 17/18/19dpo.

Why can’t this ever be easy? :( I’m extremely thankful to have a chance but ya know. Four MC in the past. 3 this year. I’m just ready for it to progress and be healthy 🙏🙏
@adrimus I’m sorry for all you’ve gone through up until now and totally understand your worry! Your HPTs don’t really say anything and I wouldn’t keep testing, it will just freak you out but it doesn’t mean anything. Your beats are in the normal range, and spotting is normal too... obviously very hard not to expect the worst but there’s also very little you can do. I’d say best thing is to stop looking at the tests and numbers and just take it day by day, until your first scan. I know how hard that is. Wishing you best.
@adrimus What color was the blood? Was it darker red, or pink? Was the cramping mild/moderate or severe? Numbers don't really tell much as I see a lot of people have different hcg levels. For example at 6 weeks mine were 26k, but a friend of mine had an hcg of 2400 at 6 weeks. What matters is if it's doubling (or close to doubling). It's hard to say at your stage right now. Your first ultrasound will give more insight. I'm so sorry you had to go through four MC, and I will be thinking positive vibes that this pregnancy will continue to be healthy.
@katrina2017 Thanks for commenting and asking. Blood was pink. It was a very small amount. Could hardly capture it on picture. I have the options of waiting and seeing what happens or being more proactive and going in to be seen. If seen, I could go to a new clinic for an exam and hcg test and potentially an ultrasound today. Or wait until Tuesday (2 days) and go to my obgyn. I took another set of home pregnancy tests today and the lines are darker than two days ago... I just don’t know what to think or do!

Edit to add these pics. top one (e@h) is 3am today. the other two are 9am (I think this counts as second morning urine?)
@adrimus I've read light pink can be normal...red on the other hand is a bit concerning. Tuesday is just around the corner, and hoping your OB can give you a peace of mind.