What to do when 7 m/o screams at sleep every night?


New member
My wife and I became parents of a twin boy and girl 7 months earlier.

For almost the last three months, my son has been screaming almost every night (four nights a week to the very least) as loud as his tiny heart allows. It looks like he is sleeping since his eyes always stay close. He wakes up on average every hour or two and just screams. All tricks on the book have failed except for carrying him in arms and walking. So we carry him for 20-30 minutes and then put him to bed. Sometimes he then starts screaming right away, sometimes he sleeps for 30-60 minutes and repeats screaming.

It seems like with each day the scream sessions are becoming more and more frequent, intense and less and less soothable. For the last two weeks, he even screams during daytime napping sessions.

We have consulted with three pediatricians so far. They did their own diagnostic procedures, prescribed a number of medication to reduce stomach gas, gave nasal sprays to unclog nasal cavity if necessary, one gave Tiemonium methylsulphate doses before sleep. Nothing seems to work very much. The last doctor even kind of shrugged it off saying 'Don't worry, it will pass when he gets older!'.

Guys, Don't get me wrong. I can take hours of crying and scream. I am a dad of twins for god's sake. But this is different. He screams like he is literally getting murdered. And I am just there but I can't help him.

I went to the extent of even trying homeopathy for a few days, but again, to no good result.

At this point, we are totally lost about what is happening, what we should do, where to go from here. Every aspect of our life: work, family, social life all are just in disarray.

Our daughter is doing just fine. Although she is a little thinner compared to our son, she is showing no visible sign of distress except for occasion annoyed crying when brother's scream wakes her up at dead hours of the night.
@briantaylor8 Both my twins had acid reflux. They never spit up a lot, but they had a lot of pain when lying flat. They both took meds for it, and we elevated their heads at night by sticking a wedge under the mattress. Could be that? We also used Gerber Soothe colic drops and I always felt that helped.

They grew out of it around 12 months I think.