What I've eaten today...


New member
Today babybumps seems strangely somber with a touch of hostility. Lets find common ground: FOOD

today I've polished off waffles, peanut butter pop tart, hot n spicy breakfast sandwich from dunkin donuts with a coolatta, teddy grams, and now I'm finishing off an entire plate of nachos I made, Intending to share w hubby. Oh and chocolate milk and a few pickles...

Oh and I plan on making a Paula Deen recipe for meatloaf for dinner. I friggin love weekends.

What all have you lovely ladies enjoy?
@kxl My mother in law just dropped off an amazing looking roasted vegetable lasagna. She doesn't know I'm pregnant yet, but my husband is injured and can't do much right now, so she brought it by. I've barely felt like eating any foods lately because everything smells gross, but this lasagna smells delicious!
@kxl I went to brunch...mmm. Mushroom ragout omelet with roast potatoes and sourdough toast. Roast chicken tonight for dinner...

Making up for dietary sins from yesterday, where I pretty much ate just chocolate cake (hubby's work threw him a surprise baby shower and he brought home an entire sheet cake. He should really know better...)
@kxl An English muffin, smoked sausage, eggs and hash browns for brunch. Then since I still feel stuffed from all that, I just had Greek yogurt with strawberries, a protein bar and some fresh sliced peaches. I loovvee fresh fruit.

Edit: I had a huge glass of V8 with breakfast. I love the stuff. Too bad everyone I know think its gross :(
@kxl Yogurt, two cheese sticks, chicken noodle soup, saltines with cream cheese and jam, fudge, muddy bears, salt water taffy- so far, later, nachos, salsa, veggies and ranch dip, home made chiken nuggets, quesadilla, tomatoe mozz salad.
@kxl Cheetos and an English muffin with peanut butter. Coffee of course. And now I want meatloaf! Or meat balls.... Oooh.
@kxl Cinnamon raisin english muffin with cinnamon raisin peanut butter, pumpkin spice latte, 3 mini meatloafs (Cupcake size) with green beans and baked beans.