What do u do after work and on ur days off?


New member
I’m married but separated. Father of
a 2 year old daughter I take care of full time, I have baby sitters for the days I work and love being around my daughter, both of us love the outdoors and go to parks or anywhere else outdoor related when I’m able but it’s winter so that’s not an option also just miss having more adult interactions. Any advice would be appreciated!
@roundrock2023 Usually I hang out at home, visit my sisters + mom (we’re very, very close and all live within 5minutes of each other), take the kids out, have friends over. Really depends on how I’m feeling
@roundrock2023 Are there any play groups, activities at the library, indoor play centres, swimming lessons, kindy gym... anything like that around? Might help to join some local FB groups, especially parenting ones.
@jake1996 Those are good suggestions and I’ll definitely take a look around. Unfortunately can’t do anything on FB as wife’s keeping our separation a secret. I know everyone will find out eventually but she’s finally trying to get help and don’t want her getting worse. After everything she’s put me through I still care about her as a person and want to see her succeed in life it just makes it hard for me as I can’t hang with most family/friends and have no one to talk to
@roundrock2023 We go skiing. It’s lite up at night and can go on the weekend. My friends and my daughters friends all ski so we normally go as a group and just bundle up the children and take a lot of breaks. We also just went to the park today just put the snow gear on.
@roundrock2023 In the morning before I wake my daughter up I do high intensity shadow boxing for 45 minutes without pause, then assimilate my experience of Martial Arts back into the basics perfecting my craft, meditation with deep slow and controlled breaths with self reflection on life, my emotional and mental state.

I work from home as a Mechanic and home school my daughter because of the covid circumstances. When my daughter goes to bed, I normally have a 2 1/2 hour period where I unwind and plan my next day. Then I set my clothes for the next day have a shower shower, put on some music if the mood strikes me I write poetry under a different name online from my own, write short stories with a deeper meaning that leaves it open to understanding in multiple different perspectives.

Overall I'm a young man set in my ways, set on my routine and at peace with how my life status is now.

On my days off is when my father picks up my daughter now and then when I am willing to let him have some grandpa time. I normally get 2 or 3 days during that to truly unwind, maybe have that extra pair of balls I normally wouldn't have had and meet someone for a coffee date, maybe explore an interest or passion/hobby pre covid times of course. Now I just jog the bike trails, go on the scenic paths connect with some nature around me breathe in and exhale all my stresses, unspoken pains to understand myself on deeper levels out of the shell that I put myself in cutting off those affections or desires every human being has.
@roundrock2023 Father of a 3 going on 4 year old, when I'm off work I grab him get home by 5 and the sun is setting, cook dinner, clean the kitchen and by the time we're about finished eating it's 6:30 and we're getting ready to go to bed. Then we do it all over again!

Weekends we're shoveling snow of hanging out at home with the cold weather. Sorry, no good suggestions here. 🤣🤣