What’s worse.. c section recovery or being pregnant with twins?


New member
So it’s basically another one of those “I’m dying” posts. 32wks with di/di twins and miserable. So much pain just to sleep and turn over in the bed. I’ve got a 3.5y/o and 1.5y/o and am relying so much on my husband and grandparents right now. I mean, you all understand.. Anyways, baby A is switching from transverse to breech the last few appointments and baby B has been transverse. I delivered vaginally for my other two boys, first was an induction with no complications (minor stitches) and my second was 4hrs and pretty easy recovery. I’m trying to hold out hope that baby A will flip because I feel like having delivered vaginally before it would go smoothly and be an easier recovery than a c section. But as time creeps on, a c section is looking like a real possibility. I’m nervous about the recovery and pain and ability to care for 4 under 4. Then I think about how much pain I’m currently in and how uncomfortable I am and am starting to wonder how bad a c section recovery could be compared to this. Hit me with the truth guys!
@toniboykin84 The third trimester was worse than the c section recovery. I mean, I was still wrecked, but at least I didn't have heartburn so bad I puked a minimum of twice a day. It hurt, but I was able to stand up and walk to the bathroom without debilitating lightning crotch. I also was able to take the good pain medication, which helped a ton for those first few days.
@viracox Thanks good to know. Yes like why I feel like with twins it goes first trimester then straight to third trimester and now I’m in some hell trimester that’s like a combination morning sickness/nausea with excruciating body pain lol SO FUN
@toniboykin84 Chiming in with pregnancy being way harder than recovery! Third trimester twin pregnancy is SO HARD. I haven't found either of my two c-section recoveries rough, and I had 3 under 3.

I agree with the other poster about getting up and about ASAP. It was a huge difference between my first and second sections. My first two days after my first c-section were a little rough, then much better. I'm certain it was rougher because I stayed in bed for about 12 hours after the c-section. I have no idea why no nurses came to get me to have me move around, and I didn't know it was something I should do. Big failing on their part, imo.

With my second c-section (the twin one, which happened about 7pm) they had me walking around within 4 or 5 hours and I was feeling so great already that next day. It was really a night and day difference.

Good luck!
@daniel1990 Were you on mag sulfate? Or anything else that might have made you a fall risk?

I was on a drip and stayed in bed for 24 hrs post section. Recovery sucked big time. I have no idea what my fundal height was, but I have a short torso so my belly was way way out there with 6 lb each babies (my abs were stretched so thin as to be nonexistent).