What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

@elitecheapjersey My almost 4 year old will also fluctuate with not wanting to go to sleep, lights on, stay up late, and then get up and make herself "breakfast." She's never a terror at daycare after nights like that, just exploring her world. Even at 4 she still seems to vary her behavior periodically like when she was 2.
@elitecheapjersey I would send him to day care. My Day care you sign in one the app and it asks how your child slept last night. I'd be sure to let the teachers know. if he comes home cranky maybe have a 730 bedtime the next night.
@elitecheapjersey May not apply to you but if it happens again:

We found removing the ability to turn on the light completely stops him staying up. So we put him to bed, pull the fuse on the cricuit to that part of the house, and he falls asleep