What’s been your favorite age between 0-3 y/o?

@bethany2nirvana Hands down, 3. Each stage has had its positives. But he's 3.5 now and, aside from being potty trained and speaking in Full sentences, he is SO FUNNY. I love when he makes up songs and stories. I love hearing his perspective on the world and just general stream of consciousness. It's also easier to travel and go places because he can skip a nap without being a nightmare.
@bethany2nirvana 1-2 years. So I guess 1…

In the case of my kids, they’re adorable, impossibly tiny humans who can do a lot (walk/run/jump), mine both slept really well at that age, and were just generally agreeable.

My oldest is almost 4 and my youngest is almost 2. My oldest is a good guy, but we had a stretch of rough sleep. When he was 2, he was getting molars, was a fussier eater, and was and trying to drop his nap so there was a lot of (totally understandable) grumpiness. At 1, he was uncomplicated and happy and a perfect sleeper and adorable and a great eater.

My second is currently super agreeable too, though occasional tantrums have started so I suspect 2 will be tougher this time around even than it was with my first.

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