Weight loss issues after baby


New member
Hey everyone, I guess I’m just looking for advice and suggestions on what worked for you for postpartum weight loss because I am really starting to get discouraged. I am about 10-15 pounds heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and nothing seems to be getting rid of it. During my pregnancy, I gained 35-40 pounds. This was my first pregnancy, I’m 27. After I had my daughter last November, I almost immediately lost all of it but after about two weeks postpartum and breastfeeding, I slowly gained most of it back. I was an adamant exerciser, I used to actively coach/sell beachbody prior to my baby and I was pretty active during my pregnancy as well. Postpartum has been harder. I’d say I’m exercising at least 4 days a week and for about two months I’ve really focused on my nutrition. I’ve tried cutting out carbs, I’ve tried the beachbody portion fix program, I’ve tried counting calories. Outside of the initial 5 pounds, the scale has BARELY moved. I’m talking 2 pounds in the last 6 weeks and it’s getting super discouraging.

Also just a tidbit about my body type, I carry a lot of weight in my thighs, butt, and boobs. I am 5’6” and before I started exercising 3 years ago I was at my heaviest 195 pounds. I was most comfortable in the 170s once I started exercising. I could eat mostly what I wanted. I’d follow a nutrition plan but still allow treats and not be restricting. I’d exercise 30-45 mins a day (obviously that’s a touch harder with an 11 month old who still doesn’t sleep through the night). I’m currently 188 and I would cut off a toe to be in the 170s again. I’m not even super concerned with the mom pooch but I just feel heavier in the hips and thighs mainly.

Any advice is appreciated.
@skipper0661 Hey!! So I have essentially the same body type as you (pear shaped, 170 pre-pregnancy, gained about 40 pounds during…I would say my ideal weight is around 140 but I usually sit closer to 150 comfortably; I’m 5’6” also). I’m 15 weeks postpartum and I’m losing about a pound a week.

In the hospital I went from 210 to 195.
I’ve gone from 195 to 180 over the last 15 weeks.

Here’s what I’m doing:
-Using Lose It to track calorie intake (being sure to add an additional 500 cals per day since I am EBF).
-I have two “higher calorie” days Friday and Saturday
-Walking a minimum of 7-10k steps at least 6 days per week
-Lifting at the gym 3-4 days per week
-Focusing on getting high fiber and minimum 120g of protein per day
-Drinking at least 120 oz of water
-Taking a quality pre & post natal + magnesium

-Incorporating Chamomile, Nettle and Lemon Balm Tea for stress and inflammation

Oh also, I know this is annoying to hear but I really do try to make sure I get enough sleep in the nighttime hours. I shower before bed and turn in earlier than I used to to help get extra relaxed!

I hope this helps! Slow and steady wins the race!
@skipper0661 Have you talked to your doctor to make sure there’s nothing else impacting your weight? Thyroid issues are common postpartum and can be masked by the usual postpartum symptoms (hair loss, dry or oily skin, fatigue and difficulty with sleep, weight fluctuations, appetite changes) so it’s easy to miss them. And if you’re still breastfeeding, that could also contribute.
@skipper0661 In my experience,body fights when you completely cut off carbs (my body at least)
You could try to have either low carb breakfast or low carb dinner.
Or both. But please eat some complex carbs, cause your body needs it.

I was eating 3-4 eggs for breakfast, later sugarfree protein bars.

Postpartum weightloss doesn't depend only on your diet. Hormones play role as well

So please, don't be harsh on yourself and give it some time
@skipper0661 Do you think your getting enough protein? I am aiming for at least 30 grams per meal. At least 100 per day.

I had almost identical stats as you! Im four months PP and down to 186. I had initially went from 215 to 195 from the hospital.

For me, I am pretty fit and was super active throughout my pregnancy. I cant tell I lost quite a bit of muscle even though I was exercising. So right now I am working on body recomping- losing fat and building muscle.

I do small bits of weight training where ever I can fit it in. Ive just started incorporating a little cardio.

Definitely get your thyroid checked liked the other commenter recommended! Cant hurt.
@skipper0661 Are you still breastfeeding ? I also gave birth last November. The last 10-15 lbs just wouldnt move despite workout 5 times a week + intermittent fasting. I weaned from the boob 3 wks ago, lost 10 lbs, didnt do anything !