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Hey - the title isn’t as dramatic as it seems.
This year I am considering making the switch from daycare to preK-3 at a private school in town. the only requirement we do not meet is toilet independence. my bud can use the toilet when prompted, and with low pushback, most days. This includes all steps with clothes and washing hands. They seem to notice the signs when they need to have a BM as they will attempt to retreat to another room. The act of vocalizing to me and other caregivers has not been the most successful.
we have a consistent schedule at home during the weekends (i work 10hr days and 20hrs at an unpaid internship edited) and they attends daycare which is not as consistent at this time.
i am curious if we all get on board, me and the daycare, and provide ample support along the way could toilet independence be possible within the next 5 months.
right now, i do not have space available to read books (full time job + full time grad school) but i can listen to a podcast or read a brief article! thank you so much for reading!
This year I am considering making the switch from daycare to preK-3 at a private school in town. the only requirement we do not meet is toilet independence. my bud can use the toilet when prompted, and with low pushback, most days. This includes all steps with clothes and washing hands. They seem to notice the signs when they need to have a BM as they will attempt to retreat to another room. The act of vocalizing to me and other caregivers has not been the most successful.
we have a consistent schedule at home during the weekends (i work 10hr days and 20hrs at an unpaid internship edited) and they attends daycare which is not as consistent at this time.
i am curious if we all get on board, me and the daycare, and provide ample support along the way could toilet independence be possible within the next 5 months.
- they are motivated by rewards (stickers, treasure box, etc.)
- they are independent in most other areas
- lately there has been very low frustration and pushback when prompted to use the toilet. BMs took us a Very long time.
- the little dude can actively communicate needs/wants in other areas of life.
right now, i do not have space available to read books (full time job + full time grad school) but i can listen to a podcast or read a brief article! thank you so much for reading!