We’re finally sleeping through the night! (23mo)

This is also kind of an update to the previous post I made about Possums sleep program.

I had to make this post because of how nervous and anxious I was about my baby’s sleep. By around 4 months, I was certain we would not be sleep training even though I thought (before he was born) that we would go that route.

Even though intuitively it felt right comforting him and responding every time, parenting 24/7, not forcing him to cry to “learn to soothe himself” etc., I was always so nervous about what the future held. Would he ever be able to sleep without nursing? Was I hindering his ability to sleep more deeply? Was I going to be stuck with a 4 or 5 year old who couldn’t sleep without me while all my friends’ kids were sleep trained by 5 or 6 months old?

I was scared I was harming my baby by not having a strict sleep regimen. I didn’t know how we would grow out of this phase and find some kind of balance and predictability.

I know many of you can relate. Now, I truly feel like I’m on the other side and I am SO happy I allowed myself to fully trust my intuition and instinct, and respond to my baby and cuddle him and soothe and comfort him at every turn. It wasn’t always magical, it was rough during those heavy teething or leap weeks, but we always came back to the understanding that those were the times he needed us more than ever, and we showed up.

He turns 2 next month and he’s fully weaned, decides whether he wants to sleep in his big boy bed or mom and dad’s bed and either of us can do bedtime (this is very new and very exciting!) Best of all, he sleeps through the night! From 8:30pm until 7:30 or 8am (sometimes even 9!) I know his sleep habits are just getting better and stronger because he led the way! Bedtime routine takes 30-45 min and it’s all lovely and cuddly and just absolutely the best.

This post is for anyone doubting that what they’re doing may hinder their child’s sleep habits in the future, or tempted to sleep train because “it’s the only way.” It most certainly is not! And this post is for me because I’m damn proud of myself for going the road less traveled, trusting myself and my baby, and absolutely soaking in allllll the cuddles.
@jvk1214 It’s hard when my husband is at work until 3am and I don’t have any help. Also have a 4 month old who isn’t sleeping great these days either
@youcantsitwithus I always snap at my disapproving family members that it’s not like I’m going to be breastfeeding and co sleeping with my high school graduate. He’s going to learn like every other baby did before ‘sleep training.’

I’m so glad to see a real example of this.

So exciting! Congratulations. Enjoy those evenings and nights to yourself. I’m looking forward to it.
@kggg Generally as an infant (up to i'd say maybe 6 or 8 months?) we contact napped in bed, or wore him, or had him sleep in the stroller on a breezy walk. But mostly contact.

As he got older, I followed Possums program in terms of general practices, these included napping in a regularly lit room (no black out shades, or anything that makes it seem like it's night time) and trying to stick to waking up at the same time every day and getting some sunshine (even if it just meant breakfast by a big window) first thing in the morning. This helps regulate the whole day, and makes them much more predictable I've found. He was breastfed, so that meant nursing to sleep and sliding away when he was passed out.

Other than that, what I did was spend a week really paying attention to when he got sleepy. I would track it and that became our guide (though we kept it flexible). He ended up falling into a rhythm naturally which took so much pressure off us!

As he grew up, had his teething/leap bouts etc. we would adjust, but again all of it was led by him. These days, he's opted to wake up later in the morning and skip his 1 nap, which is totally fine with me!
@kggg I actually looked it up (everything is such a blur!) and I guess it was back when he was 4 months old! I was told that I could sleep train at 5 months, so at 4 months the panic started setting in haha
@youcantsitwithus I remember your possums post! And I can say it changed my life. It clicked. It was a before and after and we have never looked back. My anxiety got better, and her naps did so too. Nights are still a work in progress though. I'm so excited for your baby and your family. I hope one day I can be the one posting something like this hehehe Thanks for the update and happy birthday!!!
@youcantsitwithus Thank you so much for sharing! I just went on vacation with my 10 month old (who usually nurses to sleep and sleeps on a floor bed) and it had me second guessing my decision not to sleep train. I love seeing encouraging stories like this!
@youcantsitwithus Thank you for making this post! Sleep is still very rough for us at 13mo and I needed someone on the other side to tell me that it will get better. There is so much pressure to sleep train when you are sleep deprived.
@brehar You got this!! Trust yourself and your baby. They will naturally sleep deeper and for longer stretches as they grow. Generally, waking up at the same time every day was a big help. That and getting some sunshine first thing in the morning. It helps regulate their internal clock and circadian rhythm. Good luck!
@brehar Solidarity here. My daughter is almost 13 months and is still waking up every two hours, if we're lucky. More often on bad nights. 23 months sounds soooo far away...