Want to join parents on here that are talking about improving childcare?


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm a mom of three kiddos, all are in daycare. A bunch of moms from working moms subreddit started talking about how to improve childcare a couple of months ago because it felt like it was not working for anyone: parents, teachers, the kids. We have been talking every two weeks on Zoom and tonight is our next call. It's at 8pm E//7pm C//6pm M//5pm P. We would love for you to join! Here's the information to join: https://forms.gle/Xspum15xpNxrvdEC9.

And if you want to join our subreddit, please go here: r/UniversalChildcare

Let's flex the power of parents! And this is US-based.
And really want to emphasize how cool the parents are...we support each other, and it's helped me feel less anxiety as we navigate it all. I just constantly wonder how anyone is supposed to manage this sanely when you have to figure out how to basically pay a college tuition every year when you have 0-5 year olds?!?! Not to mention how great the teachers are and you see them not paid enough and dealing with staffing shortages all the time. Anywho, I feel passionate about it. Hope to see some of you in an hour or so.

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