Waiting but not hopeful


New member
I had an ectopic last August that was resolved by MTX in September. I’m 9 w 3 days and had an ultrasound a week ish ago at 8w 1 day and was expecting to hear a heartbeat and see the baby. Instead I saw an empty gestational sac and was told I’m measuring around 6 w 5 days and they’d refer to an ultrasound in two weeks. My ultrasound is scheduled for May 8th but I already feel like there’s no hope and things ended a while ago. Not feeling very hopeful, it’s such an awful feeling. Feels like I’ll never be able to be excited for a pregnancy.
@m31starman I don’t have any advice but I am in the same situation if it makes you feel any less alone. I was supposed to be 7w last week but I’m measuring 5w6d. I’m waiting for my follow up ultrasound this Thursday. The waiting is terrible! Sending you all the good thoughts your way!
@m31starman Same boat. My next ultrasound is on the 13th. I don't even know if they could help me speed up things if it's nonviable, since technically it wouldn't be legal in my country. The wait sucks.
@m31starman If it makes you feel any better, per my LMP I should have been 9w4d but when I went in for my scan, we didn’t see anything except for a gestational sac. I also wasn’t very hopeful. They brought me in 2 weeks later and I was measuring 6w5d with a strong little heartbeat. I have PCOS so my ovulation is wonky at best though, gentle hugs. The wait is the worst part.
@m31starman In a similar boat - went for my scan supposed to be 6+5 and measured 6+0 with sac yolk and fetal pole but no heartbeat - I have a history of missed miscarriage so I’m assuming it’s over — repeat scan on Friday 5/3 tho — but I’ve told myself there’s no point
@m31starman My next ultrasound was on 5/13 originally.

I talked to my clinic about my concern… more than two weeks wait is like hell…
I cannot tolerate that kind of wait…
And they understand me… and allow me to go there to do another scan each week till I graduate…

I am sorry that you have to go through this…

Maybe find another clinic that can understand your worry and concern should be helpful as well.
@m31starman I had a similar thing happen. I ended up miscarrying naturally while waiting for my next scan. Unfortunately unless there's a possibility your dates are way off I'd prepare for the worst
@m31starman I had my scan yesterday and only a sac could be seen, I didn’t get measurements though. My last ovulation was 30/03 so just hoping maybe dates are a little off but I feel like I’m just desperately looking for hope for my next scan on 13/05
@m31starman It really depends on how certain you are with your conception/ovulation dates. If there’s absolutely NO WAY because you didn’t have sex then regardless of what the doctor says then guard your heart.
@m31starman I have nothing to say except I am also in the same boat. I was supposed to be 8 weeks and some days from my LMP and ended up with just a gestational sac measuring 6 weeks. Do you know for sure when your ovulated? Not everyone ovulated at day 14. My doctors are concerned but they continue to tell me they've seen unthinkable stories before where the opposite of what they thought has occured. While they don't want to create false hope, there is nothing wrong with being guarded but hopeful during the wait. Whatever helps to get you through. My follow up scan should be around the same time as yours. I know some people feel differently about this and would rather know ahead or not go through the torture of waiting, but I choose to see it as, they cannot definitively say you are not viable at this time. Treat this as still being in the race, think positively as you can and hopefully the time will go by sooner. Pregnant until proven otherwise, despite the odds.
@christlovesuperwax Sorry to hear you’re in this boat. I guess I can’t say with certainty that I was ovulating I was doing OPKs so they did peak around the 17/18th day but I wasn’t tracking BBT. I have been seeing people saying that they get through it by saying I’m pregnant today and tomorrow will be a new day which is what I’m trying to mold my brain into thinking lol
@m31starman I understand and sorry you're going through this too. Just know however you feel or whatever you decide in the moment is perfectly OK and you are validated. Reading what you've put so far, I think you may be a few days behind like you said so I Cloud expect some kind of delay in measurement. Just hang in there. I think at this point while waiting I've gone through almost every stage of grief so far lol. Every day is gonna be a little bit different until we know for sure. Just got my second betas drawn today so hoping for a rise to give me a little more hope until then. Please hang in there and I am wishing you the best through this!!! It really sucks.
Well I started bleeding a bit on Sunday and the ER doc said to plan for the worst. My HCG is going down very slowly. Guess it’s done.