W.T.F. baby


New member
Women, I'm confounded by my kiddo. All of a sudden (like in 5 days) he goes from being breastfed only with some of-the-finger taste tries of food and the bottle when no boobs are available (maybe 2-3 feedings a week, when I go to school) to screaming bloody murder when he's presented with the boobs only to calm down IMMEDIATELY a bottle or food from a jar is put in his mouth. I'm milking like a cow, I've soaked through 2 breastpads in 4 hours so badly that I've had to change my shirt and bra. Srsly babe, not cool!
@pt8214 Sounds like a nursin strike. Unfortunately need to keep offering him the boob until he latches. My son pulled this at 3 months was 1-2 weeks of it. Then he snapped out of it. Hasn't had one since.