

New member
I feel so frustrated.
Last night my husband’s father got to our house, I’m not a fan of him so I don’t call him my FIL. So this is the second time he meets our 2 month old, first time he met baby was when they were a week old and he didn’t want to wash his hands so he didn’t get to hold them. I’ve told my husband, anyone who wants to hold our baby has to wash their hands. My husband asked his father if he wanted to hold baby but only offered him hand sanitizer and I butted in saying he needed to wash his hands. My husband gave me a look and his father scoffs but washes his hands.
Later that night I bring it up w my husband that I would like his support in things like that bc we need to protect our baby. Then my husband says you’d think I’d put our baby in danger, that my way isn’t the only way to do things and then calls me my mother’s name (my mother is a controlling, abusive asshole) he knows how badly that upsets me and I told him that’s not fair. I only do stuff “my way” bc that’s how our baby likes it. I spend 24/7 w our baby. I wake up w them, I change them, I do 90% of the feedings, I put them to sleep, I’ve gotten to known our baby in way my husband hasn’t so yes I would like some acknowledgment that I know them more than husband does. So if I want someone to wash their hands, I think I’m asking the bare minimum bc I don’t want our little one to get sick. I don’t care if I’m doing too much, I don’t care if I’m overbearing. I wish he saw things from my perspective