

New member
My MiL is watching my two kids (aged 3 and 1) for me and my spouse while we move. It’s a 70 mile drive to our new place which is only ten minutes from hers. I’m so thankful she’s been able to do this for me which is ultimately helping minimize the time my husband has to take off.

Today (after day 3 of her taking care of the kids for about 10 hours a day) she said, “I remember doing this now and I get why you call [Spouse] at the end of the day crying asking when they’ll be home. This is tough work and you feel sweaty and yucky at the end of the day even if you shower.”

You’re doing the work folks. I see you. My MiL sees you.
@tzeyen I’m glad my husband gets it when I say I’m hiding somewhere for an hour and to leave me alone. My parents took care of my middle one when I had my 3rd(husband got no time off) and kept him for a month(they brought him over pretty much everyday). They were exhausted everyday and my mom said “I staged chairs throughout the house like you did. He’s so busy”. Like try being pregnant and chasing him…
@tzeyen My MIL also gets it because she was a sahm to my husband from the time he was born and her husband/my FIL worked nights at that time. So anytime I call her like “are you guys busy? I could really use a break even if for an hour or 2 to walk around a grocery store by myself” she’s always welcoming and says “trust me, I remember those days. After being a sahm I gladly welcomed going back to work” lol
@snickeringfox Lol yep, literally called my Mom today going "Hubby is working home late, I need to get out of the house". Showed up at her place and we just hung out while watching the toddler (she also made me dinner cause she's awesome)
@wh2 She went on to say she no longer felt sexy which I found hilarious. I did not ask about that but thanks for sharing. Hahah.