Update: No longer discouraged


New member
Update on this post from two weeks ago.

I went from pumping about 15 - 30 mL (.5 - 1 oz) a pump session to getting about 180 mL (6 oz) per pump session. I just wanted to say thank you for all the encouragement and support from this group. I got so many good tips and I honestly tried them ALL so I'm not sure what helped the most, but I'm so happy with my body for stepping up to the plate and supporting my lil dude's growth. At my last (and final!) LC appointment he had gained 12 oz over 6 days! Way to go boobies!!!
@mdc Thank you SO MUCH for coming back and updating. Posts like these are really good to see when someone is in the middle of struggling to get breastfeeding established.
@katrina2017 Aww thank you for saying that. I felt a little silly posting an update, but I know I personally find updates helpful. :D I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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