[Update] After ignoring the doctors, we gave birth to a healthy baby!

@lizlovesalotofthings Yeah I'm 5'0 and was 103lbs (Caucasian) at the start with a Japanese boyfriend who's barely 5'2 and maybe 140lbs. I've been given so much fear mongering and met with so many mfms lately it's making these last 10 weeks of pregnancy suck.

I'm going to keep pushing for the ultrasound checks
@lizlovesalotofthings Out of curiosity, are you US-based?
US birth is a lot more invasive and open to these practices because... I'm sure you know why.

But we learned from our first pregnancy that establishing the weight of a baby before it is born is very much a dark art and HIGHLY inaccurate unless you have an someone exceptionally good at doing it.

The best piece of advice we ever got was "you do you. If it seems wrong, don't do it."

You've done well. Congratulations to you both
@qu30 Yep we are. Of all the births that night, we were the only one that wasn't c section. The US medical system is the walking definition of "when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail"
@lizlovesalotofthings We have the opposite problem.
We are a bit in n' out, they will do everything they can to avoid you taking up precious beds. Sometimes it can be to the detriment of the mother/baby.

Our system is good, but we rely on it too much. Not enough people get their own insurance.
@lizlovesalotofthings I find this so interesting/odd because I've heard of babies being induced early for being too big but I would've thought too small would mean they'd encourage you to keep baby in there as long as possible? Also my Dr told me weight could be off by as much as 20% at our 34 week ultrasound so not to put too much stock in it.
@lizlovesalotofthings Thank you so so much for this post! We're both small people, my boyfriend is Japanese and not tall. I've been measuring 1.5% for a while now but to ME my kid feels like she's a fine weight.

I'm going to just keep pushing for ultrasounds like I have been doing because she's active as fuck and all those bullet points you listed are what I'm experiencing

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