Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved


New member
Hello friends! I wanted to spread the word about Universal Childcare and how a handful of parents from around reddit have decided enough is enough. We're in the beginning stages of banding together to fight for real change in the US.

Are you interested in joining the cause? Do you know someone that would be?

Send me a PM for the info to join us on Wednesday, Feb 1 at at 8pmE//7pmC//5pmP

Here's a cool graphic with some information that we've made!
Also, join us at our super new subreddit /r/UniversalChildcare
@brendawwentz I hope it's ok with the mods for me to post this. Former NICU mom, my kid was born at 34 weeks due to pre-e and has a permanent heart condition for which he required surgery at 6 weeks uncorrected. I am a semi-active poster on this sub and also a participant with the universal childcare group. You all know parents of preemies have unique concerns when it comes to childcare like needing additional childcare and support when we have a baby in the NICU and ongoing care concerns for medically fragile babies. Please come join us and help me make sure our interests are being represented along with everyone else.
@brendabree Thank you so much for sharing! So many of us in the Universal Child Care group have had preemies or NICU babies, myself included! That's just another reason this is such an important thing, to make sure the standard of care for our little bitties is at the highest place possible!