Ugh what else can I do? 4 mo so sleep deprived. And f’in teething


New member
I really wanted to wait till 5 mo to sleep train.
But seriously what the heck.
We had a week awful stretch and I got very adamant about putting her down quite awake, and switched to 3 naps and longer wake windows.
Things got ok with 2 feeds overnight.
But then it went to shit again? Now she’s getting up like 4 times from 7-11 after being put down acting v hungry or needing a burp.
She links cycles for naps just fine?
She just had a tooth break through yesterday and I think the other is coming out.. is that it?!
I want to stretch night feeds to 5/3/3 but I’m always terrified because she’s a EBF reflux baby (on meds finally but not working yet) who doesn’t gain weight well. What if she doesn’t adjust to eating more in the day? We feed every 1.5/2 hrs in the day soooooo I don’t understand

I feel like I don’t know what to do. I have the knowledge.. but.. I’m so worried about getting her enough calories.
@hotleatherworld If you reduce the feeds slowly the calories intake moves to the daytime. You won't starve your baby. You're just changing the times of the day when that calorie intake is happening.
@trivalee I mean we’re already not sleeping well so we might as well. Just resettle for the chosen time period, right?
I was worried a little because silent reflux babes eat better at night because the pain bugs them less, but now she’s on meds I can worried about that less I think