U.K. brand of disposables to complement cloth?


New member
Hello! First baby due in 6 weeks, we have a hire kit of newborn cloth nappies lined up, we have our washable wipes kit, and we are committed to getting our own cloth nappies once we work out what we like!

I’ve been doing lots of research, including on this sub, and lots of people seem to pair their cloth nappies with some disposables, say at night/in the very early days.

Having this option available does seem sensible and realistic. My question - can anyone recommend what disposables they use? U.K.-available brands appreciated.

I’d like to get some that are as environmentally friendly as possible ideally, I know the biodegradable ones still takes ages in landfill but at least the starting materials are less plastic etc. They do seem waaaay more expensive though, so don’t want to pay out for ones that turn out to be rubbish, we are still going to be using many fewer by using cloth too, so I’m pretty open.

Many thanks in advance!
@angela18 I’m in the UK too! My decision with using disposables were what was cheapest as my main goal with reusables was the cost saving aspect! I’ve found my favourites are Lidl own brand nappies lupilu as I have never had leakage issues with them.

I’ve tried out ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s and pampers just as a comparison(people brought me lots for my baby shower before I’d decided on cloth) I also found the pampers the worst as those ones had their tabs rip off the most which when you’re doing a night time change isn’t what you want! And they’re super expensive!

I don’t know how biodegradable they are but depending on how often you plan to use them you might want to weigh the cost vs the benefits.
@angela18 I’ve used both Kit and Kin and Mama Bamboo ‘Bamaboo’ disposables. Both as eco as I could find. I made the mistake of bulk ordering disposables during lockdown when we were having some problems with cloth and ended up with loads of surplus I couldn’t return (huge baby who has grown out of clothes in record time). I would get one pack of any brand you want to try and see how you go. Boots sell Kit and Kin and I think Ocado stock Mama Bamboo but not 100% sure. Eco by Naty is another eco option stocked by Sainsbury’s and Boots. I assume they’re all a lot more expensive than regular disposables but I didn’t really mind as I knew I didn’t want to buy something that wouldn’t biodegrade in my daughter’s lifetime. If you’re looking at biodegradable disposable wipes then of all the ones I’ve tried, Cheeky Panda are the best in my opinion. Reasonable price, no weird smell and a good feel to them (a lot of them were foamy?). Best of luck with your cloth journey!
@angela18 I think my daughter was still pooping round the clock when I had the Mama Bamboo ones so would’ve changed her anyway. The Kit and Kin ones did last through the night and handled multiple feedings at about 4 months of age so for a newborn I’d think you’d be totally fine.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to do cloth at night but just to say that I find it really easy. I use a fitted and a cover - at the moment it’s either a Tots Bots Bamboozle with a Thirsties hemp booster on the outside covered by a Close Pop In wrap or a Petit Lulu Maxi night nappy covered by the Close wrap. I use a fleece liner (Tots Bots) in both cases to keep moisture away from skin. See how you go with your newborn kit and just do it at your own pace.

One more bit of advice is that I strongly recommend you get a good wash routine in place. I was freestyling it at the start of my cloth journey and it led to smells and rashes. It can be a bit fiddly getting your routine down but once you do, it’s very easy. I really recommend joining the Clean Cloth Nappies Facebook group and looking at their website for info. Nappies are heavily soiled and need a bit more attention than your normal washing. The general gist is appropriate detergent, washing warm (40) or hot (60) depending on a few factors, regular pre washing and making sure your main wash is loaded properly so that the nappies can agitate well to get fully clean.
@angela18 It’s entirely NZ/AUS/UK specific. They have a UK detergent index but it’s behind a paywall at $5AUD/month. 100% worth it in my opinion - works out at approx £2.50 and you can just pay for one month and get all your info. Although to their credit they do continually update the site with info and I’m happy to pay the monthly fee. The vast majority of the site is free to access - just the detergent index and strip & sanitise guidelines (for second hand nappies or a dodgy wash routine) are behind the paywall. If you join the Facebook group you’re quite likely to see people who even have the same washing machine as you so you can get great tips on which cycles are best to use. Mix of top loaders (popular in Aus) and front loaders (mostly UK users).